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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Prick (sorry... the Malfoys piss me off)
  2. Black Hawk Down (movie)
  3. Well.. yeah... once or twice... oh who am I kidding... I have never worn underwear that was meant for the opposite sex
  4. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am currently listening to Mariah Carey. I am a little ashamed to admit that.
  5. Dirty Dancing (movie)
  6. ^ Probably has Poly pegged on that one. < Is very happy now because nobody else is going to want to share and they'll leave me alone! < Is having very dirty thoughts about the Anderson-in-a-box... and wondering... well... V knows what I'm wondering
  7. Dance Dance (song)
  8. Neither have i... not for a lack of trying though. I have never liked Starbucks coffee
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am totally laughing my ass off! I am patting Nympho on the back for that orgy post. I am glad everyone else gets a celebrity friend too now!
  10. (you too huh? ) Blonds
  11. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am saying GO FOR IT!! I am going to do dishes while you go torment Red.
  12. ^ Has a unhealthy obsession with tormenting Red. <Has many many many unhealthy obsessions V Thinks that it's healthy to have so many unhealthy obsessions
  13. Chocolate sauce (bah!!! stupid flood control)
  14. Last Dance with Mary Jane (song)
  15. Harriet's Magic Hats (TV show when I was a kid)
  16. ( oh I know... I bartended for awhile. ) Bailey's
  17. ^ Is very considerate of her male orgy mates. < Is thinking way to hard on this orgy... V Is giggling because < said hard
  18. Because those chemicals are cheaper than the safer kinds. Why?
  19. Me either. Actually all in all I was a pretty good student when I was one. Skipped class alot, but still pulled off the grades so, meh. I have never been caught skipping class.
  20. Jello Shots (... in my head the tiny little skirt was leather... )
  21. Nope. Not guilty... never... really... I'm telling the truth... why don't you believe me?? G/NG - Has an interest in astrology
  22. Because most commercial products are dirty and dangerous. Why?
  23. I have... Halloween a few years ago. Good times! I have never had to wear an actual school uniform. (as in for school... not for fun. )
  24. Rome (I'll just keep my dirty little comments to myself about that one... )
  25. ^ Is probably right. < Doesn't have a problem with that idea at all... is wondering why she was the only one who ended up with a celebrity "friend" in the first place! V Knows it was totally Poly's fault!
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