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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because he might just get to excited to want to leave. Why?
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am a fan of both... and it's not much angst!
  3. Guilty. It wasn't that bad! G/NG is a closet Ben Affleck fan
  4. Because it's easy to do so without thinking. Why do people assume that undergroud or indie music will be better?
  5. Me either, I was always a forward. I have never played defense
  6. ^ knows me well. < Will giggle at anything sexual. V knows that could get < in trouble
  7. whipped cream
  8. Because we wouldn't be able to breed. Why?
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am always getting lost in the sexual chaos... that's why i need smoke breaks. I am lying... I use the smoke breaks to work in my "love story" and need for a little touch of angst.
  10. Not guilty sort of... it's a laptop so I could put it in the bedroom... but I don't. G/NG - Is strangely addicted to Kevin Smith movies
  11. It's a guilty pleasure. Can a song ever been truly bad if people like it?
  12. Me either, but my neighbor's have. I have never owned a pair of figure skates
  13. ^ Should know that's not always a good thing. < Is a fan of "slow" men. V Is a fan of fast women
  14. suck
  15. Because people need some way to attract the opposite (or same) sex. Why?
  16. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking I need a beer... I am wondering what is taking Nympho so long.
  17. Not guilty. G/NG - Has a tv in the bedroom
  18. Because of the pheromones. Why?
  19. because book smart is completely different from socially smart. How do ugly people get laid?
  20. Me either.... the floods last year came close but not too close. I have never liked the cold.
  21. ^ Is falling behind. < Is about three topics up. V Wants < to slow down
  22. Over
  23. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am aware that you must be drunk to do karaoke.
  24. Not guilty... only cheesy pop music... which of course some people think are innappropriate at all times... G/NG - Has lost track of what they were doing because of something on tv.
  25. Because there wouldn't be any kind of art or music without sex. Why?
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