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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because he couldn't zip them up without getting his feathers caught. Why?
  2. I am no longer allowed to laugh my ass of at that... and wonder where I can get a t-shirt like that!
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am pointing out that when I left, Anderson went back to the hot tub... and SJ's in there too as far as I knew...
  4. ^ Is getting over his OFBS < Isn't sure < would pay to watch that... V knows that V would pay to watch that
  5. Found some! Red?
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am still trying to figure out where everyone is... I know where I am... ish.
  7. 3092
  8. I am no longer allowed to wonder what the small print said
  9. Ohhhh the peanut butter ones are heaven! I have never been a fan of peanut butter and bananas
  10. Yes you did... Are you conveniently ignoring the posts above yours?
  11. Because their parents thought Big Bird was the devil. Why?
  12. ^ Hasn't noticed that < hasn't exactly been very well versed in the penis area lately. < Should just go take Mr.Rickman away from Poly for awhile. V Thinks it'd be better if < just joined in.
  13. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am kind of agree with that... I am not having any good ideas on how to do that.
  14. Yeah. ... but I don't wanna be sparkle free! red?
  15. and You (song) (damn flood control... damn it to hell!!!)
  16. i am no longer allowed to leave to do laundry.
  17. Me either really... I have never been happy about this new "peanut free" Mars bar.
  18. Well, you have to link them together somehow... Can I come back from the kitchen now?
  19. Because the children were hellions. Why?
  20. ^ Is probably right... < Needs a good... jacuzzi... yeah that's it... V Is not convinced.
  21. I think I've lost my sparkle. Red?
  22. Kiss Me Kate (movie)
  23. Me either. I have never liked almonds
  24. Absolutely. how can you been sure you've counted correctly, what with the sex haze and all?
  25. Because they weren't loved enough as children. Why?
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