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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Letter
  2. Well, me either, but my mother in law seemed to disagree with me... at least until I told her she wouldn't be seeing Alexander again if she continued. I have never believed that a three month old could understand sarcasm.
  3. Ring the Alarm - Beyonce
  4. I am no longer allowed to let my muse get away with not working!
  5. Hold on... *does some math* Oh. so not guilty. G/NG - Knows how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
  6. ^ Is making me laugh. < Is putting off packing... because < hates packing. V Isn't a fan of packing either.
  7. Kelly Clarkson
  8. Rejoining the orgy.
  9. I'd go on forever. If I were a muffin...
  10. Another miss. Leon?
  11. Matter
  12. Neither have I, but if I get dragged to one more Adam Sandler movie... that is it! I have never flatly refused to see any movie for any reason.
  13. Did you really bet against me ever coming back to the orgy? Get me in there, damnit!
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am double posting! Sorry! I am saying if someone can get me to Hogwarts, I'll come back to the orgy!
  15. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am off to read the orgy for the first time in ages!
  16. Because it's built like those dishwasher detergent packets. Why?
  17. I Don't Wanna Cry - Mariah Carey
  18. Needful Things (book)
  19. Did I miss my cue again? Damn. Leon?
  20. Not guilty... but I've wanted to. G/NG - Writes to music.
  21. Ram
  22. Stuart Little (book/movie)
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