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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. When is all this supposed to stop? It's getting better. Really.
  2. Lately
  3. Because his daddy had no job. Why?
  4. That be me. Trae?
  5. Graduated
  6. (I loved that show! ) Moon over Miami (Movie)
  7. One eyed one horn flying purple people eaters. Ever seen one?
  8. Do you want to hear about my morning sickness (or all day sickness really)? That's normal.
  9. Tomorrow
  10. Because he was an ugly baby. Why?
  11. That may be the reason I don't even bother. I have never watched America's Most Wanted.
  12. Yes indeedy do. Nanaea?
  13. Ended
  14. Bad Moon Rising (song)
  15. Til someone gets the urge to write some yaoi I guess. Have you ever had that urge yourself?
  16. What did you say to Zim just before taking on Knorg? Now please.
  17. 3803 (Thanks Nanaea. Now all is right with the world! )
  18. Because Timmy didn't have any other friends. Why?
  19. Easy
  20. Nope. Nanaea?
  21. I have... and in fiction it can be a good thing! I have never had a day planner
  22. Done
  23. T3: Rise of the Machines (movie)
  24. Maybe. Should we just abandon it for now?
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