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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Don't ya just love proving them all wrong? My mother was told I wouldn't live to see five (I was two at the time as well, strangely enough) when they diagnosed me with diabetes. Then when I was fifteen they told me I'd probably never have children. And tada! I'm here (at a healthy 25 and no diabetic complications *touch wood*) and I'm pregnant! My point being, you rock girl! Whatever they throw at you, throw it back twice as hard!
  2. Is dinner on yet? Make one yourself.
  3. Not necessarily, but well pretend it is. Isn't imagination fun?
  4. Needles
  5. Eww. Yeah, I'm with you. I have never been rude to a telemarketer (but I wanted to be!)
  6. ^ Has enough antibodies to share. < Will be producing alot more in a few months. V Is interested in antibodies in general
  7. Not guilty. I'll try anything twice. G/NG - Is very vanilla
  8. Trap
  9. I Just Can't Get You Out of My Head (song)
  10. Because some people are better with words than with numbers. Why?
  11. Did you see that they are serving totitos without salsa? If it rings again, shoot it.
  12. Whenever they wake up. Is that too silly for this crowd?
  13. Sorry still off. Trae?
  14. Docs (and now it's time for me to reveal my age! )
  15. *gasp* I love chocolate... or at least I did til the smell of it started to make me queasy. I have never liked the color orange
  16. ^ Is bias against adult milk drinkers. < Thinks that ^ has a point about milk and infants. V Knows another interesting fact about milk.
  17. Traffic
  18. Love Me Do (song)
  19. I have. Driving to Vegas in July btw, not a good idea. I have never liked sugar in my coffee.
  20. Cage
  21. ^ Has a strange view on fruit and yogurt. < Knows the yogurt part is just as valid as the fruit part, and just as healthy. V knows the real reason < is on a yogurt kick is cuz she needs her calcium and hates to drink milk.
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