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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I did when I was playing hockey... I have never had a concussion
  2. Yuppers. Red?
  3. Was that the hot water tank that just blew up? Brrrrrrr...
  4. Because Moms say so. Why?
  5. No, no it's not! Who can we complain to about this?
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am sending Red my sympathy on the shovelling. I am afraid I have already had to shovel multiple times.
  7. That'd be me! Red?
  8. Warm weather after a nasty cold spell.
  9. Who walked into a bar? That was the punchline.
  10. Because the kids will never win. Why?
  11. Pond
  12. Nope, me either. I have never made my own pickles.
  13. ^ Would make a rockin' supervillian! < Is perfectly willing to join ^ in her life of super-crime, but not as a side kick. V Is terrified for the super-world now that < and ^ have joined forces.
  14. Stage
  15. They guys who make the commericals popped them. What about the trivia questions?
  16. Not by name, no. Nanaea?
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am still cranky about that stupid Christmas party. I am going to let it go soon, I promise.
  18. Salt and vinegar chips. (gotta love cravings!)
  19. Who covered the couches in furs? Crystal Light.
  20. I did when I was younger, but not so much now. I have never liked BBQ potato chips.
  21. Because it makes the job of mother easier. Why?
  22. The Meaning of the Buffalo (Movie)
  23. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wishing Poly sweet dreams and a good Monday!
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