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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am sure too! I am going on just over two years of marriage and we started trying right after the wedding, and this is the first baby!
  2. Lightly
  3. I have. It's pretty close to where I am anyway! I have never knowingly spread an untrue rumor.
  4. Good Night, and Good Luck (movie)
  5. Good god no!! Isn't genuine happiness better than medically derived happiness?
  6. Drinking
  7. Not guilty. I'm the perfect wife! G/NG - Has made their SO sleep in the couch!
  8. Ritz crackers and cheese!
  9. ^Will find the muses soon! < Knows what it is like living without a muse, therefore is sympathetic to ^ V Has found them!
  10. Because they got joy from the failings of others. Why?
  11. Where did the boxes of cookies go? Only if there's milk.
  12. Revel
  13. I was born there, and I'm still there. I have never been to Alaska.
  14. Silence of the Lambs (Movie/book)
  15. Vegas
  16. That'd be me! Amy?
  17. You've got me... I'm in the closet with the other sadists! Is anyone truly happy and perky all the time?
  18. Generally guilty. There are a few that I don't mind though. G/NG - Lets their SO pick the movies.
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am very happy with my bump. I am sure when the bump gets bigger and starts getting in the way, I will feel slightly less thrilled! I am telling Amy that it isn't all wine and roses... in fact, there isn't any wine at all!
  20. ^ Is welcome to join in the snacking. < Is enjoying her Ritz crackers very much. V Should try Google earth to track the muses.
  21. Because way back when, when they were inventing the english language, someone decided that "top" and "bottom" were the perfect words for those positions. Why?
  22. Even
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