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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because too many people want what they can't have. Why?
  2. *raises hand* Me... and I want it to go away now please! Can we talk about anything else now?
  3. I couldn't agree more! But reading back... I'd just like to point out, I am not trying to belittle what these people have done! Really! It is amazing! And I just noticed that I came off a little bit like "yeah, whatever... been there done that." And that wasn't my intent at all! Yes, they have gotten a step closer, but who knows how many more steps there are between what they've discovered and a cure.
  4. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am apologising to Sam for putting those donuts there.
  5. Old Man River (song)
  6. Well the furries are obvious... How about furries who like to be covered in straw?
  7. Because its parents were horny kitty cats. Why?
  8. ^ Knows there is nothing crude about that! < Is sure she can tough it out... might just turn on the tv though, for a little distraction. V Knows that all that tv is good for.
  9. Okay... ummm, here? Trae?
  10. Ummm... nah... it's just across the street for me Want anything? Trae?
  11. The furry... scratchy fetishists? (a&q)
  12. The White Raven (movie)
  13. Yeah, me too... I think it's time for a Timmy's trip. Trae?
  14. Because it was curious. Why?
  15. ^ Is correct about the BC part. < Is unfortunately unable to partake in the cure because hubby is at work. V Is sure that < can tough it out for a few hours.
  16. Demonized
  17. Photo
  18. Guilty. I'm lucky that way. G/NG - Was with their parents the first time they got drunk.
  19. Maybe flesh toned. So what about the Scarecrow and the Lion then?
  20. Yuppers. Trae?
  21. Wolf (movie)
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