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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Absolutely! Who should be invited?
  2. Deep Blue Sea (movie)
  3. Travel
  4. Because she was hot. Why?
  5. Deloused
  6. I am too. Trae?
  7. No, not really. Should we plan one?
  8. Open Water (movie)
  9. Quest
  10. Because their parents are enemies. Why?
  11. Deflected
  12. Directed
  13. Directions
  14. You are correct, sir. Trae?
  15. Isn't there always? (q&a)
  16. Open Arms (song)
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thanking Nanaea very much... and as soon as I'm tired of Uber-Vole I'll find a place for him!
  18. Yes, Nanaea, I did. Now everyone can see that I have no artistic talent whatsoever!
  19. I still say embrace it! I think we've all be called worse than Ubervoles in our lives!
  20. I have. My dad had hunting rifles and said that everyone in the house needed to know how they worked. A good idea all in all. I have never made lemonade from scratch.
  21. Drained
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