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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. He is just looking out for the best interests of us all!
  2. Well... the simple stuff anyway! You really think you could pick up women wearing this?
  3. Not guilty. G/NG - Is a horrible gift-wrapper.
  4. I don't know... but I'll buy one if they do. Do you think they'll sell?
  5. How the West Was Fun (movie)
  6. Disembodied
  7. Me either. I have never gone looking for BigFoot.
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking it was kind of like yawning.
  9. Chin-up
  10. Because they never had cable. Why?
  11. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking it's nearing bedtime.
  12. Me either. I have never cooked a duck.
  13. Dishonored
  14. Popsicle
  15. Because the men-folk were unattractive. Why?
  16. I'm going to have to look into that. Would it be another rodent?
  17. Yup, for a bit longer, anyway. Trae?
  18. Oh come on! He's a superhero! I'm sure there's more going on than... No, wait, Nik's right. Its just the "Should I fuck it, eat it or kill it?" At least if all my comic books aren't lying to me.
  19. Guilty... so many times. G/NG - Hogs the covers.
  20. I have... and I never want to again. I have never bought a new house.
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