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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Because they didn't trust the cliff. Why?
  2. Did you laugh when Red insulted Alan Rickman?? Once, and only once.
  3. Drama
  4. Wild Thing (song)
  5. That sounds like it might be a bit much for me at the moment. I have never been able to finish a triple burger.
  6. (Oh, this is going to hurt...) She's In Love With the Boy - Trisha Yearwood
  7. ^ Could be right from time to time. < Isn't sure what exactly she would be expounding about... V knows their strengths.
  8. Jessica Alba
  9. I'd pretend I understood what was going on. If I were subtitled...
  10. I am no longer allowed to go two days without cooking. (gotta love delivery leftovers!)
  11. Diet Coke
  12. It's not totally off topic... it's piercing related!
  13. And now we're at Chapter 22! Enjoy everyone!
  14. I did when I was a kid... and to be honest... I still do. I have never gotten through Bambi without crying.
  15. Yeah, that would prevent rubbing... but it may prevent some other fun bits! Besides, I am pretty sure someone would end up smacked upside the head with the frying pan, and that would just kill the mood!
  16. No, I didn't get them done all at once! Sorry, if it came across that way. And no, I am not a Gryffindork! It was just the last in a long line of piercings that were spread out over about three years. It did get infected once, but I took very good care of it so it usually wasn't a problem. And as for smex... well, you've just got to find the right position so that it doesn't rub!
  17. Of course we'll still talk to you, ZD! Personally, I've never been diagnosed with anything. I've gone through periods when I was depressed, and I'm a bit OC, but I've always written it off as "Everyone's a little bit crazy".
  18. Have a very happy birthday! *hands over a ball of yarn* Enjoy!
  19. Yeah, I did, but it was the last one I got, so maybe I was numb by then! It wasn't really that bad either.
  20. You know what? Everyone told me that the tongue piercing would hurt more than any of the other ones I had done, but it didn't! In fact, the worst of the bunch was my eyebrow!
  21. I giggle everytime I see that Mac add with the security system asking "PC" to authorize everything. "You are coming to a sad realization. Cancel or Allow?" I love it.
  22. I am no longer allowed to snack this late at night.
  23. really fresh bread
  24. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wishing Red pleasant dreams. I am thinking I might get myself a snack.
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