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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am sure that the bed will get made.
  2. ^ Has faith in < < Will try to update the orgy some time soon... but it won't be the epic updates one expects from Red and Trae. V Will settle for a non-epic update.
  3. Lime
  4. Guilty... I am a sufferer of the prego stupids. G/NG - Doesn't like citrus fruit.
  5. ^ Is admiring Keith's kwang. < Is too tired to make any good jokes right at the moment. V Will forgive < but expects two jokes next time.
  6. Slime
  7. There's a light? Did someone pay the electric bill?? Wow! Oh, that would be a Not Guilty. G/NG - Pays their bills on time.
  8. ^ Is correct about the jokes. < Has a soft spot for cheesy sexual jokes. V Thinks that's very immature.
  9. dazzledfirestar


    I am totally with NightScribe and the love of Nabokov. His ability to get you to feel for his characters is astounding! I am also a huge Chuck Palahniuk fan. Haunted is a fabulous look into the depths of what people will do for fame. He just has a twisted view on society and a brilliant way of showing you that view. Then of course there is the classic list; Stoker, Shelley, Austin... that list could go on forever, so I won't bore you!
  10. ^ Has an very impressive kwang... < Is not going to stop giggling at that for quite some time. V Was waiting for someone to make that joke.
  11. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am admitting that I know nothing about football.
  12. Nothing
  13. Because nobody likes a fatass. Why?
  14. Hit
  15. Me either. I have never learned to drive.
  16. Not guilty. G/NG - Has come up with plausible reasons for killing a loved one.
  17. No of course not... Should I go get s'more fixin's?
  18. Mount
  19. Because it enjoys consuming. Why?
  20. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping that it is still under warrenty. I am heading out now... Bye for now! *waves*
  21. Covers
  22. Yard
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