^ Is very loyal to his ocean.
< Agrees about the salmon... but < doesn't really liked salmon when it's cooked anyway, but the sushi in Vancouver is fabulous.
V Isn't a fan of raw food in general.
^ Is dead right.
< Could just hit the other coast... it's only a sixteen hour drive through the mountains... and it's snowing.
< Will put up with less than stellar seafood for now.
V Is laughing at <s logic.
^ Shouldn't underestimate the amazing power of the zealot.
< Is getting very full on curried rice noodles, chicken fried rice and ginger beef.... OOoo! Shrimp! *runs off*
V Is having an attack of food jealousy
I am LOVING that!
I am now looking forward to the next run-in with the religous nutjob next door!
I am thinking that God may be a surfer guy "We are awesome dude!"
I am going to hell for that.
I apologise for my slight geographical error Lets just put in the Prego Stupids catagory and forget about it!
But yes, beer is quite a meal. And it has been prescribed to breast-feeding mothers as well... Don't believe me? Guinness is good for you! http://www.macrobiotics.co.uk/kidspage/breastfeeding.htm It's number under number 5 on the list.
^ Should see it... we're so proud, it's at the bottom of a box somewhere.
< Has hubby's Masters up though, and will put up the PhD when he gets it.
< Is clearly not the brains of the operation.
V Is the brains of the operation they are involved in.
^ Needs patience... lots and lots and lots of patience.
< Changed majors from Education to Theatre when she realized she didn't like other peoples children.
V Wonders what one can do with a theatre degree.
^ Made a statement of fact I'm sure.
< Is enjoying her greasy, non-healthy dinner of chinese take away!
< Has a degree she's not using.
V Thinks after all that work, < should do something with it