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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. I have. We had a garden in the back yard when I was a kid. And I did a tree planting thing over a summer many years ago. I have never had a problem with spicy food.
  2. Not guilty, but before that... yeah once or twice. G/NG - Has blacked out at least once in 2007
  3. ^ Gets one, one crack of lightning < Would tell ^ how to get the lightning, but then < would have to kill ^ V Knows where ^ can learn the secrets of the lightning
  4. I am she. Red?
  5. Ben Affleck
  6. Value
  7. I suppose it is. How's that working out for you so far?
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am having a hard time thinking of any of the AFFers backing down.
  9. Hold
  10. Me either. I have never liked vegetables on pizza.
  11. (Okay this got really messed up a bit back...) 4100
  12. Not guilty. G/NG - Witnessed a streaking.
  13. ^ It counts. < Kind of wants to know what thinking of counts means. V Will enlighten <
  14. Not guilty. G/NG - sings in the shower.
  15. Fred Astaire
  16. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am only saying, better everyone else than me!
  17. Not really. I'm not a fan of milk in general. G/NG - Dislikes yogurt.
  18. Yeah, it's me. Redsliver?
  19. (a) Cause
  20. Me either. I have never named someone else's body parts.
  21. White
  22. ^ Has some strange ideas about < < Spent much time yesterday looking at washers and dryers and didn't enjoy it at all. V Enjoys shopping for appliances
  23. Because skiers aren't seen as reckless, but snowboarders are. Personally, I've never hurt myself seriously snowboarding, but skiing I broke my leg in three places, so there you go! Isn't that incredibly unfair?
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