I am assuring Poly that I can still watch HP... but it'll be a bit fuzzy.
I am trying to get a good idea going for the Mary Sue Virus... just so that I can get to the other good ideas I have for what will come after what's just about to happen...
I am confused by my own post.
^ Should have a room for the DVDs and CDs.
< Has never really lost something... misplaced for extended periods of time, yes, but never lost.
< Is seriously falling victim to the HPADD.
V Has sympathy, but is laughing none the less.
^ Should see my CDs and DVD
< Can't even see all of her own CDs and DVDs... but they should be around here somewhere... Oooh! Harry Potter!
V knows exactly where all their CDs and DVDs are.
*lets that conversation go*
Well... I said I'd keep everyone up to date... I watched the Philosopher's Stone last night with a friend... and yeah... I let out the tiniest... quietest little itty bitty bit of a squee.