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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. ^ < Has yet to think of ordinary daily chores as forum games, but thinks that might be a better way to get herself to do things. < Will have a fight on her hands about spoiling this kid... it's the first grandchild on both sides... V Knows that grandparents are good at spoiling.
  2. Bravo! 4601
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking that before we do that we should buy stock in the dry erase board company... we could make a killing!
  4. YES!! Woohoo!! Poly?
  5. ^ Is right about the spoiling. < Needs to be spoiled because < won't be spoiled much at all after the baby comes. V Hopes the baby doesn't get spoiled.
  6. Neville Longbottom
  7. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am also a victim of the "Why the fuck..." syndrome. I am sure it happens to everyone!
  8. Dismal I think. Is everyone's hell different?
  9. Baring ninja-ing, nope. Poly?
  10. Oprah Winfrey
  11. ^ Is mastering the art of the pun. < Isn't humming anything... but would if she wasn't connected to her Harry Potter-playing iPod. V Is jealous.
  12. The corruption of one's true nature. If something makes someone less evil, is it still corruption?
  13. 4599...
  14. Not guilty. Not really my thing. G/NG - Has bought someone an inappropriate gift.
  15. Not in years, but then when I needed maternity clothes I had to start trying things on again. I have never caused an arguement between my parents.
  16. Open
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am going to admit that I started watching HP movies on my iPod because hubby was taking too long.
  18. Step
  19. Me either. I have never had any talent in the sculpting area.
  20. Cry Me a River (song)
  21. yuppers. SJ?
  22. Kill
  23. Up
  24. I wasn't going to go there... You're taking that the wrong way, aren't you?
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