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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Happy Gilmore (movie)
  2. Neither
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am assuring Poly that I can still watch HP... but it'll be a bit fuzzy. I am trying to get a good idea going for the Mary Sue Virus... just so that I can get to the other good ideas I have for what will come after what's just about to happen... I am confused by my own post.
  4. Not guilty... outside the bar, now that's a different story! G/NG - Never gets "throwing up" drunk.
  5. ^ Should have a room for the DVDs and CDs. < Has never really lost something... misplaced for extended periods of time, yes, but never lost. < Is seriously falling victim to the HPADD. V Has sympathy, but is laughing none the less.
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am envious of Poly's husbands initiative. I am going to have to remind my hubby that he has to pick up a new cord for the DVD player.
  7. North of 60 (its a Canadian show.)
  8. Guilty... but I was pretty drunk at the time. I'll use that as my excuse. G/NG - Has been groped in a bar.
  9. Me either. I have never been involved in a major car accident.
  10. ... Nope... not this time... Oliver... Stone
  11. Speech
  12. ^ Should see my CDs and DVD < Can't even see all of her own CDs and DVDs... but they should be around here somewhere... Oooh! Harry Potter! V knows exactly where all their CDs and DVDs are.
  13. 4555 (very nice Nan! )
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wishing Poly luck on her shopping trip and I hope she doesn't get caught in the snow. *waves back*
  15. *lets that conversation go* Well... I said I'd keep everyone up to date... I watched the Philosopher's Stone last night with a friend... and yeah... I let out the tiniest... quietest little itty bitty bit of a squee.
  16. I think they're taking e-mail applications. What was that address again?
  17. Head Over Feet (song - Alanis Morissette)
  18. Ryan Reynolds
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am not admitting anything. *damnit*
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