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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Oh... that sounds good... can I come over? Trae?
  2. Because the government says so. Why?
  3. No! Not at all. I just have other things I'd rather be doing. Isn't that a good enough reason not to do that?
  4. ^ Gets bored easily. < Is amazed at the amount of writing she's been doing... and is still doing! V Thinks it won't last.
  5. Guilty. They're just easier to find that way. G/NG - Thinks that alphabetizing is a sign of mental illness.
  6. Yes
  7. Found
  8. yup, with a new chapter up and everything! Trae?
  9. Fever Pitch (book/movie)
  10. Jimi Hendrix
  11. A real one... no. A little one of snow and ice in the back alley? yes. I have never built an entire family of snowmen.
  12. Because they are binge learners. Why?
  13. Nope. Can't someone else do it?
  14. ^ Was very thorough. < Can't think of anything that ^ missed. V Is trying very hard to come up with something else.
  15. Guilty... and its way more than one thing! G/NG - Has a neat and organized junk drawer.
  16. Galloping
  17. Misplaced
  18. Could have been... I wasn't really paying attention. Is that a problem?
  19. Right. Trae?
  20. ^ Has a limited view of my opinions. < Knows the internet is good for many different things VCan list those things.
  21. Paint it Black (song)
  22. Bridget Jones
  23. Me either. I have never believed that aliens would have any interest in humans.
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