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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. That'd be me. Mel?
  2. Me either, but then... I have never had anything to do with scouting.
  3. Because they were too busy getting drunk with their friends. Why?
  4. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am watching GOF. I am really going to need a twelve step program for this Harry Potter addiction.
  5. Obliviate everyone who thinks they know the secret. Am I watching too much Harry Potter?
  6. Sex
  7. Stephen Colbert
  8. Guilty. Back and feet. G/NG - Believes that because two body parts need to be rubbed, I should get two people to rub.
  9. Me either. I have never seen a meteor shower.
  10. ^ Is being far too specific. < Doesn't care what state people come from. V Cares far too much.
  11. Because they had better things to do at the time. Why?
  12. Yes indeed. dest?
  13. Evolve
  14. Me either. I have never worked in a National Park.
  15. Again... do I get to pick who is being rubbed/rubbing?? G/NG - Isn't picky about who gets rubbed.
  16. Because they never bothered to learn. Why?
  17. Antique
  18. Revolver
  19. How do you that wasn't just a test secret?
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