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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Oooh. Yeah, it's me. Mel?
  2. Not Guil... ohh pretty! G/NG - Has a fear of mice.
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking I should head to bed soon... I am not really that tired.
  4. ^ Could write a "How to write slash" book! < Thinks that there might be a market for a book of that sort that has yet to be tapped. V Thinks that any "How To... write erotica" book would have too small a market to make any real money.
  5. Guilty sometimes. Depends how tired I am. G/NG - Rarely gets enough sleep.
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am guessing all those options will work.
  7. ^ Knows my weakness for cinnamon bun smell! < Is so happy she finished her chapter, that even the lack of cinnamon bun smell isn't that upsetting. V Knows that happy feeling well.
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am happy to say the MSV chapter nine is up! I am now craving rootbeer... thanks SJ!
  9. Yeah, that would be me. SJ?
  10. I have, but I'll get sick on it much faster than normal people. I have never managed to actually give anything up for Lent.
  11. Level
  12. Dead on! Oh evil one?
  13. 5459 Yes, SJ, yes it does.
  14. ... ... I just don't know what to say.
  15. Deck
  16. (Well, that's not fair, is it!) President
  17. I don't really have an opinion one way or the other. I have never dyed my hair a "normal" color.
  18. Of course. Aren't things always more interesting when there is a difference of opinion?
  19. ^ Is throwing fruit. < Is catching fruit. V Has no idea what is going on.
  20. Guilty... but doesn't everyone. G/NG - Would rather be reading than watching tv.
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