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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping it all goes well for Nan.
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am with you on that one!
  3. Gregori Rasputin
  4. Lady Goodman
  5. Never
  6. I did when I was very young, but I've lost my taste for it. I have never had stage fright.
  7. ^ May be on to something < Is sure that bouncing would be insanely uncomfortable at this point. v Is never sure about bouncing in general.
  8. That's me! Trae?
  9. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am skipping spring cleaning this year. I am opting for moving cleaning instead.
  10. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am welcoming SFC back and sending her on her second baby! I am looking around and realising how much stuff I have to do before Thursday... I am truly a hater of the moving process.
  11. Yearly
  12. Some are alright. It just depends who you're stuck in the car with. I have never liked tomatoes in my salad.
  13. Seth Green
  14. ^ Is half right. < Doesn't really having anything horticultural to contribute at the moment. < Is very happy that she only has another few days in this rat trap apartment before moving to her brand new fabulous house!! V Thinks it's not right for a pregnant woman to
  15. Not at the moment. Nan?
  16. Not guilty. G/NG - Looks down on those having more fun than they are.
  17. Here Comes Your Man (song)
  18. Have a wonderful birthday!
  19. I smoked for a very long time, and I always laugh at non-smokers (not ex-smokers, but non-"I never did"-smokers) that try to say, "I know it's hard, but it's good for you." If you haven't quit you don't know. Trust me. Why did I quit? I got pregnant. That's it. That was the only thing short of death that was going to get me. Will I start up again? Who knows. I'll try my best not to, but I can't make any promises. Why? Because it's a drug... people are addicted. Stop preaching at them and do something constructive about it. Believe me, quoting death rates and diseases... not constructive. In fact, even now, nine months out, I still find that most "quit smoking" ads only really make me want a smoke. My father quit smoking twenty six years ago (not because it was bad for his little baby daughter... but because he figured out he couldn't hold me, a beer and a cigarette at the same time, so one had to go.) and he still gets cravings. As for the cartoon, well, I saw it when I was a kid (that was in the eighties, btw, so lets not have any pretenses about how we're so much smarter now than they were back in the evil fifties and sixties) and to be honest, I didn't remember it until about half way through. I didn't start smoking because of Goofy... and any child that does, well... That's called natural selection there, folks.
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