^ Should meet one of the nurses on the post partum ward I was on.
< Actually got this nurse to gasp when < told her she wasn't breastfeeding.
V Would have loved the look on this womans face!
^ Would prefer natural all the way.
< Prefered the vacuum thing to the C-section which was the other option given to <
V Understands that point of view.
^ wants to hear about something gross.
< Admits that the only gross things she's got at this point are labor related.
V Wants to hear about how they had to vacuum baby out.
I am sure that is true.
I am now reverting back to my pre-pregnancy diet of Tostitos and diet coke.
I am not breastfeeding so this isn't bad for the baby... just me.
I am thinking a nap sounds like a really good idea.
I am aware that as soon as my head hits the pillow, baby boy will wake up.
I am therefore going to write.