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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Nope. Still here... avoiding sleep. Trae?
  2. Rumor
  3. ^ Doesn't understand the fear of bunny love.
  4. Do we have a Pugsley yet? Hmmm... I suppose I'll just have to try and kill Agaib for the time being.
  5. I have a total of four fics posted... only one is HP and it's the only one not really finished. Once I get going on a fic, it's kind of the centre of my universe until its done. I'm not a great multi-tasker in that respect I suppose.
  6. No, can't say that I have. I have never liked mosquitos.
  7. Enjoy your quality time! Nan?
  8. Ferris Bueller
  9. Seems to be. Leon?
  10. Not that I recall no... I have never been to Hawaii.
  11. I'm kind of in the mood for chocolate chip myself... but Nutter Butters will do in a pinch!
  12. ^ knows my weakness. < Is very surprised that Nan's already been to see the new chappie! V Is never so swift as when a new chapter needs reviewing.
  13. Guilty... actually, its more a rotten branch on the tree. G/NG - Is the crazy one in the family.
  14. Before last week I would have said no... but now, yeah, definitely yes. Is that kind of a self important view?
  15. Me either.... I'll just open it up and see... not feel thank you. I have never sniffed a diaper to see if a baby's gone or not.
  16. Not by name... but by hair color, yes. Leon?
  17. Obsession
  18. Micheal Myers
  19. I have... would you like to try? I have never really liked other people's kids.
  20. Guilty! And it's not only for today. Baby's home and hubby's taking baby night shifts so I've got a bit of time on my hands during the day while baby's napping. G/NG - Thinks that everyone has got a crazy family.
  21. ^ Is wrong. < Is actually sure that alot of women are breastfeeding nowadays... and is aware of the benefits of breastfeeding, but for medical reasons is not doing so. < Is mildly amazed with herself as she got a chapter done today! V Thinks that's a bit of alright.
  22. Right everything! Nan?
  23. Mandy Moore
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