^ To a point, yeah.
< Married a full blood Scot... and loves him dearly (that's why there's a preference there! )
V Thinks that's a good reason to have a preference.
^ Is hoping for too much.
< Isn't entirely sure where the viking idea came from, but is willing to run with it.
< Generally prefers Scots... mmm... yummy.
V Doesn't have a preference.
I am sure that WFK will get the hang of all the games.
I am trying desperately to find the right music to write to, which is made far more difficult as I'm not sure where I'm going with what I'm writing.
^ Is sort of right...
< Wouldn't always say beauties... as < likes her men (generally) a little more along the lines of throw me over your shoulder and carry me away... and that's not really a beauty kind of thing.
V Thinks it could be a beauty kind of thing.