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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. No way. That is one job I'd never do. I have never had a job that actually had something to do with my degrees.
  2. Guilty. G/NG - Has more than one computer in the house.
  3. ^ Is very wrong. < Gets her best ideas from daydreaming... and just dreaming. V Doesn't tend to remember dreams.
  4. Round Here - Counting Crows
  5. Food, no. Pop, yes. I have never liked movie popcorn (I'm a candy kinda gal)
  6. Guilty... but the groceries I buy just get moldy or rotten, so that's a waste of money... it all works out in the end, I swear. G/NG - Got some writing done today.
  7. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am unable to get ahold of hubby, which means he's on his way home. I am upset that I didn't get to order take away before he left work.
  8. Not that far south. Red?
  9. Richard Jeni
  10. ^ Dead wrong. < Is pretty used to it, as hubby goes into work at like 5am, so it's just me most mornings. V Thinks that <s hubby gets up way too early.
  11. Me either. I have never robbed anyone.
  12. Guilty... in fact, maybe that's what I'll order for dinner. G/NG - Orders in more often than they cook.
  13. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am admitting that we don't have Popeye's Chicken up here. I am letting WFK know that I am Canadian. I am stuck on the phone with my Monster In Law.
  14. I am no longer allowed to tell WFK you're welcome.
  15. ^ Is right, as long as hubby's cooking it! < Doesn't remember the last time < got a breakfast like that... V Had someone make them breakfast recently.
  16. Just back from feeding baby... and thankfully not covered in spit-up. WFK?
  17. Not guilty... it's about fifty-fifty. G/NG - Is counting the days til Book 7.
  18. Yikes... you win. Leon?
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking that burger sounds good! I am also thinking I should call hubby and get him to bring home take out for dinner. I am glad that Leon's stomach is cooperating.
  20. Fresh perked coffee.
  21. Guilty... the Anne of Green Gables series. G/NG - Never read Anne of Green Gables.
  22. ^ Is right! < Knows that because one prefers, say, chocolate, it doesn't mean that they hate vanilla! V Likes all kinds of flavors.
  23. Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
  24. Not guilty... I'm usually the one forcing others to watch what I want. G/NG - Hogs the TV.
  25. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am considering walking down to the PO box... I am not sure I'd find anything interesting there, probably just bills. I am thinking I'll just stick around here and watch my blinking cursor.
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