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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. How's My Driving? (movie)
  2. Guilty. G/NG - Is the disciplinarian in the house.
  3. Y: You've never done this before, have you?
  4. Did I miss my cue again?? Red?
  5. Hang
  6. Lindsey Lohan
  7. ^ Was expecting someone else I imagine. < Is running on two hours of sleep. V Has only done that while very hungover.
  8. New Orleans is Sinking - the Tragically Hip
  9. I'm a fan of gin and 7 myself. I have never flashed someone from my window.
  10. Only in purple dots. Stripy goodness?
  11. Elastic
  12. Harry Potter
  13. Me either... but it's better than being pregnant. I have never been a fan of Sprite.
  14. Not guilty. G/NG - Wishes that they could discipline other people's children.
  15. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am now thinking sleep is a good thing. I am sorry to say that RL has kept me away this weekend. I am admitting that at points, I would have rather been here!
  16. Because I wasn't the one asked. Isn't that being a bit too linear?
  17. No, not really. Red?
  18. The Heart Won't Lie (song)
  19. Always True to You (In My Fashion) - Kiss Me, Kate Soundtrack
  20. ^ Mistook me for someone else I think! < Isn't plotting anyone's undoing at this time... < is just working on... lets call it an exchange of information. V Thinks < is plotting something dirty.
  21. I am jumping on the "Webber is a fangirly hack" bandwagon! That pretty much sums up my feelings about almost all his work, not just Phantom. As for the review... *headdesk* Some people should be put in stocks so that we can throw fruit at them. Thank god there were some intelligent people to put things right. The cult of Webber makes me sick sometimes. *Puts in headphones and sings along rather loudly to "A Little Priest"*
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