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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. El Paso (that's in Texas right?)
  2. ^ Is very kind! < Is actually a bit of all right... especially since < is now only five pounds heavier than she was before she got pregnant!!! V Is very happy for <
  3. Depends on my mood. G/NG - Doesn't consider mood while getting laid.
  4. In the Mood - the Glen Miller Orchestra
  5. ^ Is so wrong I could cry. < Is now craving chinese food... and has no way of getting any for several hours. V Can control their cravings.
  6. Not in this lifetime anyway. I have never had a memory from a past life.
  7. Nope, wrong end of the country. WFK?
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am remembering days off... I am thinking that I don't really want leftovers for lunch, even though I made a great chili last night. I am wondering what else is kicking around the house. I am really going to have to start eating at normal meal times.
  9. Peter Parker
  10. Flight
  11. Retch
  12. I think he'll do. Will we all agree on that?
  13. Smokin' Aces (movie)
  14. Sleeping in.
  15. I am no longer allowed to listen to swing while writing... I'm hatching 1940s WWII plot bunnies and they're scary!!
  16. Yup, but I think it's bed time. *waves* G'night! Mad?
  17. What a Little Moonlight Can Do (song)
  18. (Gee, I wonder where this one's going... ) Severus Snape
  19. Trip
  20. Moonlight Serenade (song)
  21. *checks* yup, that's me. Mad?
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