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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Guilty. Many. many, many times. G/NG - Has had a fun time even if they didn't want to go out in the first place.
  2. Me either... in fact sometimes it can be fun. I have never smiled while firing someone. (I've wanted to though)
  3. Buying
  4. Yellow
  5. Ahh... yes. Of course. I am pretty sure I'll be in the D or T area grade wise too. Leon?
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am happy that hubby is on his way home. I am burnt out. I am however getting really good at typing with a baby in my arms.
  7. Luna Lovegood
  8. Leather? But what about the animals??
  9. If you get a "T" Leon, I'm probably there with you. We'll be trolls together!
  10. Guilty on occasion... for examples, see Chapters 9-11 of MSV. *dirty boys...* G/NG - Blames the fictional characters when they go on a smut binge.
  11. I have... I worked half days with mono for two weeks... every day my boss sent me home. I have never sent someone home from work.
  12. I am no longer allowed to pat Leon's shoulder and tell her it's okay.
  13. Shopping
  14. Yes
  15. The Never-Ending Story (movie)
  16. yup, it's me... did I miss something?? Leon?
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am basking in a posted chapter. I am starting another one... and it's gonna be a big one I think. I am really going to have to start bringing the smut back soon...
  18. Amanda Peet
  19. One More Addiction - Natalie Imbruglia
  20. Guilty-ish. I have a pretty good idea of where things are going to end up... but things change. G/NG - Has no clue how things will work out in their stories.
  21. I have. I have the same problem as Leon, and we're both silly for thinking that way! I have never been sent home from work for being sick and not tried to argue my case for staying.
  22. I am no longer allowed to point out when people mix up games
  23. New chapters!!
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