I am hoping WFK has fun tonight.
I am too hungry to think of anything witty to say...
I am just going to have to wait til hubby gets home with the groceries.
I am wondering how long hubby's going to work today.
I am not sure I want to go out tonight, despite a very nice invitation from friends of ours.
I am thinking that I've spent enough time away from my baby today.
^ Would be hard pressed to find someone who didn't.
< Has her iPod on random and is amused that after flipping past Hole, it picked "Smells Like Nirvana" by Wierd Al.
V Is not a fan of Wierd Al.
I am going to try to write today.
I am starting to power out.
I am thinking I've done enough laundry and cleaning in general today.
I am deserving of a break.