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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. No... but I can imagine it's very... interesting. Is interesting the right word?
  2. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am never going to buy any form of exercise equipment as I will never use it. I am more a fan of going for a run. I am not surrently doing that a whole lot...
  3. I'd be getting nasty with a lil devil! If I were a werewolf...
  4. Brother in Law
  5. Me either... they leave glue on my nice clothes. G/NG - Has filled out one of those "Hi! My Name is..." nametags with something dirty.
  6. ^ Is wrong... unfortunately. < Is having a problem leading her muse into a slightly darker place... I think my muse is afraid of the dark! < Has a muse that only likes WAFF fics! V Thinks < should get a new muse.
  7. I, at least, don't think you're a racist, DC! I was just adding my perspective from what I've experienced when it comes to immigration and (attached to that) nationality. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I thought you were a racist. I really don't!
  8. Because they were too tight. Why?
  9. Yak
  10. Lorna Dane
  11. How about not? Leon?
  12. Let Me Go - 3 Doors Down
  13. Guilty... G/NG - Has been in a long distance relationship.
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am going to be using the Friday excuse as well... even though it really doesn't make a difference.
  15. That depends on your definition of "eat". Was that too much?
  16. I am no longer allowed to fall asleep while watching Harry Potter movies... as it seems to excite my muse in ways I don't want to think about.
  17. Knowing Hubby is coming home early so I can get some rest.
  18. I'd be down my own throat as fast as possible. If I were a broom...
  19. Lullaby (song)
  20. Slingshot
  21. I have... more than I can count, actually. I have never suffered from stage fright.
  22. ^ Is correct, for the most part. < Is trying to finish a chapter... but the muse wants to go in a different direction than I do... and I'm not sure I want to follow! V Has had to deal with a runaway muse.
  23. This has been an issue for generations, and not just with people from Mexico. I'll give you an example. In 1927, a young couple from Kiev moved to Canada and started a family. Granted they were legal immigrants, but follow along for a bit. They built up a farm out of the worst land possible because it was cheap and no one of "Canadian" desent wanted it. They raised their family in peace, but were still the "dirty Pollack family" (which is even more ironic seeing as they were Ukrainian, not Polish.). When WWII started, all their sons who were of age (or close to) enlisted. Two of them died in combat, but the family was still, to the "real" Canadians just dirty Pollacks. This is my family's history. The moral of the story... being born somewhere doesn't make you a better citizen and some people (like those who spit at my family no matter how much they worked) don't deserve the place they have as citizens. Granted, the war that is going on now is a little different than WWII, and the situation for the people from Mexico is far more complicated, but the feelings of the "citizens" seems the same. Would it matter if these men were to fight for the USA? Probably not. They'd come back (God willing) and still be the "Dirty Mexicans".
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