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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Guilty. G/NG - Has been embarassed by questions from a lover.
  2. Me either... but that's just too entertaining... I have never fed my addiction to smilies this much.
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am thinking that getting a riding mower would be silly for me as we don't have any yard to mow... but these vibrations sound lovely!
  4. I'd be comfortably living in the Forbidden Forest. (and no, I didn't see that one coming! ) If I were a devil...
  5. Why do we have to sing the theme song to Happy Days again? The tabloids would love that!
  6. Imagination - Jessica Simpson
  7. Sure is! Leon, Queen of the Mower riders?
  8. ... that's a good question. Would you beleive I'm drawing a blank?
  9. Because their parents wanted them to have everything. Why?
  10. Atomic
  11. ^ Is a bit mower happy at the moment! < Has never had the pleasure of using a riding mower. v Knows of the joys of riding mowers.
  12. Guilty... but again, not curious enough. G/NG - Thinks that everyone should spend one month as the opposite sex... just to find out!
  13. Me either... I do love that smilie though. I have never spammed a board.
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am glad that Leon had some fun! I am admitting to never actually using a riding mower, but I can imagine it'd be entertaining.
  15. I'd be looking for a way to pin in on someone else. If I were a smilie...
  16. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am wishing Nan smutty dreams as well. I am about the new smilies! I am going to be using on a fairly regular basis I think.
  17. Did you know you've got a puppy on your shoulder? Just hem it up.
  18. Return of the Jedi (movie)
  19. Glycerine - Bush
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