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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Wouldn't they have to be very small pricks?
  2. Catholic
  3. ^ Is quite right. < Has an appointment on Tuesday to get that okay. V Is wishing < luck!
  4. Guilty... didn't they pay attention in Sex-Ed?? G/NG - Has flat out told someone they were bad in bed.
  5. I have, but only because... I have never been able to turn down Glosette Raisins.
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am going to have to agree with that last statement. I am horrified by some of the pop I have on my iPod. I am thinking that no one should own solo stuff from former Spice Girls!
  7. I'd be flying somewhere warm. If I were a drink...
  8. Wow... we don't even have one of the pushy ones. Leon?
  9. I've never had a thing for hairy people... How about something without a hood?
  10. Because the quack had a sick sense of humor. Why?
  11. Colonic
  12. ^ Is in need of more fun. < Is just getting back into fun after having the baby. V Remembers having to wait for fun.
  13. Guilty... but he turned out not to be worth the work. G/NG - Has faked an orgasm.
  14. Me either... I have never been able to sit at the computer for any major length of time without a snack.
  15. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am really appriciating that invitation. I am trying to figure out why I can't stop listening to cheesy pop music tonight.
  16. I'd have to jump off a cliff. If I were a bird...
  17. Clutter
  18. I'm sure it's very impressive! Leon?
  19. That could work. Any specific ideas?
  20. Because they didn't think they would have children. Why?
  21. Citric
  22. ^ Has far too much fun doing yard work! < Does not have a yard, and therefore must forgo the fun of riding mowers. V feels bad for <
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