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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. Not guilty... yesterday was bad though. G/NG - Can tolerate hotter temperatures if there is a breeze.
  2. ^ knows me well. < Is damn proud of her taste in bad music and is sick of hiding it. V Is still hiding it.
  3. Samantha Carter (Thank you to hubby on that one for making me watch Stargate almost nightly... gotta love reruns)
  4. Because their parents were born again Christians. Why?
  5. Thunder Only Happens When its Raining (song)
  6. No... Cruise ships are way too nice! I still vote for some little island up in the Arctic Ocean.
  7. I don't call it laziness... I call it forum addiction!
  8. I'm with you on this one Nan! In fact, I have the Lexicon open in another window right now! (btw... see the bit on Invisibility Cloaks... I didn't have it expand just for the sake of the Sues!! )
  9. Okay, I should have done this 19 chapters ago, but better late than never right! So anyway, Chapter 20 (oh my god, we're at Chapter 20??? yeesh) is up and running! So hop on over and check it out... There's a link just down here in my siggy!
  10. When I'm Gone - 3 Doors Down (I'm rereading something I wrote to this song... it fits. )
  11. And good riddance! I hope the heavy oak doors of Hogwarts don't hit them in the ass on their way out! Sorry... that was a bit harsh!
  12. It would be nice to see more mature writers in the fandom... but the books were originally written for a younger crowd, so I wouldn't be surprised if the younger less mature material still pops up from time to time.* *that was my nice way of saying that there will always been fan-brats.
  13. I will agree that cross country road trips are an effective form of torture (one I endured every summer of my childhood ). But no. If you can't name the capital of your country, and the provinces/states and in Canada anyway, the capitals of those provinces (I mean come on, there's only ten provinces, and three territories!!), you don't deserve a second chance! But that's just me.
  14. Nope, just me. Leon?
  15. Me either... I have never been able to come up with a reason to wear that many layers.
  16. On occasion. G/NG - Has a very short fuse when it's hot out.
  17. ^ knows < so well. < will listen to nearly anything with a few exceptions. V Has one or two kinds of music they like and that's it.
  18. Amanda Stott
  19. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am trying to cool the house down... and it's not really working.
  20. Because they didn't beleive in showers. Why?
  21. White and Nerdy - Wierd Al
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