^ Is actually dead right... or was when I was younger.
< Kind of stopped doing that when < hit high school.
< Still loves to read though.
v Also has a love of reading.
I am contemplating a one shot... but I don't know...
I am admitting that it's an idea that's been swimming around my head for a very long time.
I am unsure who I want to insert into this fic, as I have several choices as to who the second person could be...
I am confusing myself with this post.
Not guilty. I am not gifted in any sort of visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpting etc). Give me a story to write, or put me on stage and I'm good.
G/NG - Can sing.
I am thinking that if I didn't have the baby, I'd be walking to the Mac's store for a Crunch bar right about now.
I am thinking the baby is good for my pocket book and my waistline.
I am going to make myself some tea.