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Everything posted by SereneLies

  1. ^is going to be chased by evil plot bunnehs Feed on their brains my pets
  2. 7480 ^.^
  3. Hey there, My major (*cough* only *cough*) fandom right now is InuYasha and I would really like some help with my stories. I have one on the go called Serene Lies and I have another idea for one (but I probably won't start on it until Serene Lies is finished). This is the link for my beta request: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...showtopic=12184 And here is the link for my authors profile: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296870792 If you want to take a look at what I have and get back to me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks SereneLies
  4. Just an extra little note, I already have another idea for a story that I will probably start after completing SereneLies. Pairing is unknown as of yet (probably Kags/Inu). Its an interesting concept, and one I wish to discuss with my beta, if anyone is willing to take up the position. Thanks again Serene Lies
  5. Hey there, I need a beta for my InuYasha fics... I have one main up right now called Serene Lies that is four chapters but I still need help with editing. There may be more (mostly one shots). Thank you Serene Lies P.S. Anyone who is interested, please post a reply here as I am not entirely fond of sharing my email with everyone XD.
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