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Everything posted by SereneLies

  1. Guilty... ugh Ever had sex with someone whose age was ten years older or younger than yourself or more....? I think thats right
  2. 7602
  3. Chapter 7 is now up. Get ready for some WAFFy goodness! Chapter 7: The Hanyou Miko Enjoy and please remember, Reviews are ALWAYS appreciated
  4. 7595
  5. Me too! That is very inconsiderate of you Melrick
  6. eh???? How did I manage that one XD 7593
  7. 7591
  8. 7588 Yes, you have no idea how annoying I thought this thread was....until I discovered its epicness
  9. 7583
  10. Okay that would be awesome... I kind of left it open though because I like to see how other authors would interpret it. However if you would like me to work out a basic plotline for motivation.inspiration, I can do that for you
  11. AWWWWW, you really do have terrible luck. I will try uploading to imageshack and if that doesn't work, I will email it to you... I really hope this doesn't turn out to be a disappointment... here's a bunch of different links that SHOULD work http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/9589/squidxmermaid.jpg
  12. Alright lets try an attachment
  13. Okay, so it seems to have disappeared but thankfully I saved it to my computer so I'll just add it as an attachment below
  14. I still thought it was rather tense. There was hints that Sesshomary harboured no ill will towards InuYasha and in fact, he protected him, but I think Sesshomaru was disappointed by the turn of events; to be honest, he got screwed over in the end. Its been about a month since I read it and some things stuck with but others haven't. The progression of their relationship was slow in my opinion but I suppose realistic considering their pasts. And I can understand the view that the end brings little closure; Kagome goes home for three years, comes back and stays with InuYasha. I would love to see what happens after Naraku but like with many good stories, once the focal antagonist was brought down, the story was ended. As for the adorable little one in my sig... I found her on 4chan and fell in love right away
  15. I completely agree. I said this in another topic but I hate how in some stories, Kagome seems to be overcome by Stockholm syndrome and suddenly she loves Naraku... ugh, makes me want to hurt someone (most likely the writer) I think too, that if you read the manga (i did anyway), that Sesshomaru's heart changes; he was crushed by KAgura's death (*tears up as she remembers chapter* ah, so sad). But he becomes much more...er... emotional I guess and I dunno... I just love the pair
  16. Okay so first off I wanna say, I LOVE 4chan... I found this picture there: And my thoughts started rolling. Are they lovers? Is it forbidden love? How did they end up in this situation? Where are they from? Are there strange rules of the sea which led to this? What did lead to this? SO here is my challenge. They say a picture is worth a thousand words; I think this one could be worth much more. I would like to see a story base off these two characters, your own plot, your own relationship. If you are interested/ are going to post, please let me know cause I would LOVE to read it. Thanks SereneLies
  17. I have three stories (two oneshots) in InuYasha. If your looking for a challenge I am about to post one for original fiction, if you wanna check it out
  18. Will definately do so... All I have to do is finish the latest chapter of my other story (or I lose all hope of review-age XD) and then I will work on this one and let ya know... heheh its been awhile since I've done any HP fiction
  19. No problem. I am doing it because I like the Sess/Kag pairing but I have found alot of people who didn't because of the way Sesshomaru is portrayed in the anime. And here I am going "HA, you were WRONG!" This is a very passionate argument of mine I really do have a problem XD
  20. 7575 oh yeaaaah
  21. Freddy
  22. Guilty. I had a dream about what the new house would look like and a couple months later, my parents painted it the colours I had dreamt it would be... weirdest thing ever...ANYWAYS Ever had a near death experience?
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