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Everything posted by TheBlackStrawberry

  1. I have not read them before will check them out, thanks very much. Judi
  2. I am looking for stories with this couples: 1. Sirius/Remus 2. Severus/Remus 3. Harry/Lucius 4. Sirius/Severus 5. Severus/Lucius 6. Albus P./ Scorpius M. I don't mind what type of warnings they have, I will read anything. Judi
  3. I recommend: Master and Servant by Jadwiga Sequel The Dark Prince and His Consort Enjoy, Judi
  4. Have you read this ones: Indentity by LuvHarryP (SS/RL, HP/DM) Sequels: Shattered and Brothers They are good, a little grammar crazy but good story. Judi
  5. Kain, Thanks it's the story, don't worry if I find or they help me out. I will let you know. Judi
  6. O.k I lost this two stories and I never finish them. I been looking for them for quite awhile. 1. It's a HP/DM and it also has RW/BZ, HG/VK...What I remember of this story is that Hermione was really mean and that she left Ron for VK and then they found out that Hermione was pregnant and when they made a paternity test to see who was the father they found out that it was Ron's and she wanted to kill it, but then Ron wanted it and they transfer the baby from her to him, and after that Blaise and Ron went to the beach with Draco and Harry & he was pregnant too and Blaise was falling for Ron. Oh yeah and they drove a car to the beach. SS/HP....Albus tells the teachers they need to take a holiday, and he makes them de-age with a potion and SS starts to get along with Harry very well and then Harry know who he is and starts to panic because Albus had told the school they were exchange students, but the teacher don't remember nothing. =Found it's call Death Eater Takes a Holiday by: Lee Lee Potter on HP Fandom
  7. Have you read this one: Surrender and Sequel Devoted (HP/LM/SS)(Warnings:Mpreg) Sorry if you don't like it,but you did said ANY Judi
  8. Try: Love Conquers Everything Sequel Eternal Love By Tiro (V/H) Ashes Of Armageddon by Emily Waters (H/SS) Judi, Ps/ If I find more will let you know.
  9. Let me tell you a little bit about it: 1. Ship: Severus/Sirius 2. Humor, crude language, and no sex. 3.It takes place in Hogwarts. with a little between HG/RW, DM/HP and George, Fred. I all ready post it, but I know I need a beta for it. So if your up for it just let me know. You can see it on my profile just click on my name, it's call "Severus Problem" Until Later, Judi (TheBlackStrawberry)
  10. Your Welcome, also try this pages, they have a vast collection of three-foursomes, I have not even read half of them but some are really good. Threesomes and foursomes Tree-foursome collection
  11. Try Surrender LM/HP/SS Sequel Devoted
  12. Hi, Try this story "A Panther Hearth" I hope you like it.
  13. This both list have some S/D/H ships. http://lira-snape.livejournal.com/6380.html#1 http://angeline-dark.livejournal.com/14623.html and by the way your are so lucky to have watch the movie all ready, I don't have time until friday.
  14. I'm not looking for any specific story What I'm looking for in the story: 1.D/H 2. They being push to work together and fall in love eventually. 3. I want the setting to be at the school. 4. I don't care what warnings it has, as any of you who have read my other post I'm open to anything. 5. I don't care what other pairings are in the story. Well thanks for reading and replying.
  15. This two stories are Severus/Harry, I try to keep it as closed to what you liked. I hope you like. Only 5 Tequila
  16. Here are other ones I have liked: We All Burn Sometimes by Passo The Depths Of Winter by bananacosmicgirl Where's My Dragon? by just-Felton Providence by Lomonaaeren Enjoy,
  17. "Draco in Darkness" by plumeria "Changeling" by Lomonaaeren (starts with Pansy and Draco but ends up with D/H) Enjoy,
  18. Update: They found the story it's call "Secret Agent Men" by Kudra and you can find it here: http://www.thehexfiles.net/viewstory.php?sid=9123
  19. There is a person who is looking for this story, can anyone help! Thanks in advance.
  20. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4621124/1/Surrender and the sequel http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4771319/1/Devoted
  21. Yes, Icy_phoenix is correct is by that author and it's call Realm of Shadow I can't believe I didn't thought of that author before (smacks her self in the forehead) I actually have her in my favorites.
  22. It sound good, if you do find it let me know.
  23. I think this is the story your talking about http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1575149/1/The_Malfoy_Twins
  24. If you ever find the story, let me know it sounds really good.
  25. This ones are really good, all from FanFiction, just press the name and it will take you to the story I won't let you fall apart Our Misery Runs Wild "Sequel to the above story" My Sin
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