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Everything posted by TheBlackStrawberry

  1. If you want to read a good D/H, there are some that are being updated every day for the Christmas season challenge and they are beautiful: (with no mpreg) 1. A Walk in the Snow byoldenuf2nb 2. Advent Adventures by alovelycupoftea 3. Give Me Strength by leo_draconis 4. The Christmas Child by leo_draconis
  2. I think this is the one your looking for: You Bet by Crimson Pheonix
  3. I do not remember where I read it, but probably it was in FF.net, but not 100% sure. It's starts that first they are friends and then they become lovers. Later they find out that Albus is pregnant and they tell Harry/Ginny first and they are OK with it, but when they try to tell Draco/Astoria. Draco gets mad, and leaves saying that he does not have a son no more. I do not know what happens, but Albus ends up taking the knight bus to the Leaky Cauldron and everyone goes and finds him. At the end of the story, Albus is at the hospital as he gave birth, and Draco comes in to meet the grandchild and he accepts that he's son is with him. Also, Astoria sees her son in hiding as Draco forbade her off ever contacting him. Oh yeah and I think, they live with Harry/Ginny. Well that is it, if you know they story or author, I will be grateful to you. As I been trying to find it for quite awhile. Judi
  4. I think this is the one your looking for: For the worst by Digitallace
  5. Your Welcome, I am glad I could help.
  6. Could it be the Broken Heart Series by Starkindler
  7. Have you read: The Burden of Memory by Digitallace Draco Malfoy has woken in muggle London, unaware of his name or his past. When Harry finds him he is healthy, content and preparing to marry a stranger. While trying to help Draco recover his memory, Harry falls in love with him and oddness ensues. It's a really nice read, very beautiful.
  8. I think this is the one your looking for: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3245447/1/Four_Days_Of_Fantasies Judi
  9. Do not worry I will let you know, but I will need to find them. I know of one were he is bottom and mpreg, but cannot remember were for the life of me I left it. So I get back to you on that one. Judi
  10. Have you read: Love Me For The Beauty Within by Silverness (Draco is turn into a girl and at the end a boy, but is so worth reading..bottom Draco) A Consort's Loyalty by desolate03 Sequel Honor, Love, and Dignity (Mpreg, sorry) Check out this journal: leo_draconis She always puts Draco as bottom, and they are really beautiful. I know many more, but I have them everywhere so I need to get organize, but if you want to check out my web page at http://petrificustotalus.yolasite.com/ I have a bunch in there, but some of them are mpreg. If I do remember another one I let you know.
  11. This is a fest for 2010, It's the next generation and some of the best writer of fanfic will participate there is going to be from Femmeslash, gen, het and slash, So if you want to check it out when it begins HP Next Gen Fest
  12. I recommend: Small Blessings by ??? Incidental Charms by ??? Pomegranate by ??? Immovable Unspeakable meets Irresistible Hit Wizard by ??? The House That Harry Built by ??? Heavenly Bodies by ??? The Road to Hell by ??? and all of them come from the hp_career_fair so if you want to read more check it out everyday they are putting new one and all of them are oneshoots
  13. I think this is the one your looking for: Children Are Made Of Love by la femme Judi
  14. Hello I'm back and looking for new rec's: Now I am looking for this pairs: Fred/George Albus/ Scorpius Come on do not be shy and give me some rec's please *going down on my knees* PLEASE! pretty please! Thanks, Judi P.S/ and if you do, I will dedicate my next little drabble to you.........
  15. I was looking at your post and the funny thing is I just saw a picture that kind of goes with this story especially the dragon, here check it out is so cool. http://community.livejournal.com/hd_fanart/228801.html
  16. I'm so happy that she is my Beta, she has done only one story for me so far, but I am happy. When I got my doc. back she put there step by step where I went wrong and why, she even told me how it could be improve. So if someone is looking for a Beta and English is your second language this is the girl for you. You will not be disappointed. Thanks again to my wonderful Beta Mich A.K.A wildstyled Judi
  17. Your welcome, that is one of my favorites with that pair.
  18. have you read: Trophy by Digitallace (almost all here stories have to do with bottom Harry) Distorted Exposure by Incessant_Darkness (have not finish reading it myself but is really good) This one is one-shoot, but well worth to read: Pomegranate Now I have a question for you do you mind mpreg? Because if you don't I recommend Indago by LdDurham (sequels Indago: Reborn and Indago:3)
  19. Thanks a bunch I will check them out also. Judi
  20. Thanks I will check them out, as I have all ready finish the upper ones. Judi
  21. Could it be: Windbound by dantemalfoy Judi
  22. have you read: Draco in Darkness by Plumeria Behind Blue Eyes by Draco Malfoy-Potter Black Eyes by Capella Love Me For The Beauty Within by Silverness (Draco is blind almost to the end but it's worth reading) A Sound Like Serpents Singing by Lomonaaeren (one-shoot) (came out today) Judi
  23. They kind of long but Have you read: Providence by Lomonaaren H/D Distorted Exposure by Incessant_Darkness H/D Love Me For The Beauty Within by Silverness H/D (Draco turn into a girl spend time with Harry, but if you read it you will not be disappointed) Also check out http://petrificustotalus.yolasite.com/ is my collection of slash fic, some I will tell you right know have mpreg. Judi
  24. Could it be this one: At the heart of things
  25. Check out this website, I personally have not gone true them yet as I just found it but you can check it out: http://wimvincken.18.forumer.com/index.php?showtopic=728 Check out the web page I have, I have collection of my fav fiction but I will warn you they are all slash and some even have mpreg so is up to you. http://petrificustotalus.yolasite.com/ Judi
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