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Everything posted by TheBlackStrawberry

  1. This are more into the slave category, however, they are great. SS/HP Esclavitud by Moon Of The Sea Deserving by Moon Of The Sea WIP (she's always updating) Due Recompense by ??? Ashes of Armageddon by Emily Waters HP/DM Incidental Charms by marguerite_26 Indago, Indago:Reborn, and Indago:3
  2. Is not about seeing gay porn is just suggestion of things you can do, you can watch a movie with a sex scene it does not have to be m/m it could be anything, it was an idea. That could help you, as everyone gets into it differently when it comes to writing sex scenes. Good luck.
  3. I want to say thanks to eleeri who knew the story I was talking about and if you would like to read it it's : Of My Blood by LilyEverlasting Judi
  4. Let me put my two cents here: I for one I am not good at writing sex scenes but what I do is put myself in the place of the characters what would he or she feel, and how when that happens make me feel, if you are a virgin. Many famous gay writer what they do is they actually admit at looking at videos of m/m sex or pictures to get what they are trying to write in their stories and something just let your imagination run wild. Judi
  5. I just read one that fits your criteria: Amelioration by Cheryl Dyson (it's short, but sweet)
  6. You're Welcome, I am glad I could help. -Judi
  7. Thank you, and I understand my sister does the same to me. -Judi
  8. Thank you, posted anytime you find it. I can wait -Judi
  9. Sorry for that they are in the Forever Fandom web site. If that does not work it's here also http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544187520 Sequel http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544196837
  10. If I am not mistaken this is the story for #2: Desperate Measures by VVC
  11. Your Welcome
  12. Hello, K, I am looking for stories with Draco that it's an exotic dancer, he could be a cross-dresser or what ever, but he has to be a dancer, and it has to be slash or it could be a crossover fic, but with Harry Potter books. I have read: Heavenly Bodies by leo_draconis So, I am looking for something similar. As for the story that I am looking for it's: Draco it's an exotic dancer. Neville takes Harry for a lap dance, but he does not know that Harry it's strait he thinks he is gay, however, after the dance by Draco, who does recognize Harry he instruct the bouncer (I think) to blind fold him, please help me that is all I remember. Thanks, Judi
  13. Try this author she writes Hermione and one of the twins. http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1186476/WeasleyForMe This one are with HG/GW/FW Double Your Pleasure by Inell Winston Churchill by Countess
  14. Hybrid Destiny by hpnewbie and sequel Hybrid Legacy
  15. I think this is the one your looking for: At the Heart of Things Judi
  16. Thank you, Judi
  17. 40 Reasons We Should Have Eloped [Harry Potter,Slash,Harry/Charlie,PG] I have to recommend this one, it's just to cute to let it pass. Judi
  18. Thanks this could help me. Judi
  19. I been up and down on this archives, and this is the only place I could place this question. Does anyone out there know Japanese kanji or can help me translate a few words into Japanese in the form of Kanji? I am not writing it all in kanji, I am only using a few phrases and words. I am looking for way to write the words. This is an example of what I need. to kick - keru Thanks, Judi
  20. Siriusly_Wicked, thanks for the site that is one of my fav's and I cannot believe, I have never gone to that part. Again thanks. MuggleAngel, thanks for the link never heard of that story before. Judi
  21. Found another ones, while going through livejournal there small about 2100 words, but it's Nevielle/ Draco Beautiful Hero Worship
  22. Have you read: Hope and Truth by Harpy Wings Chandra by Saint Anger Harry Potter And The Children Of The Future By Ahja Reyn A Moment in Time, by Shadow Bandit
  23. Also check out this livejournal community http://community.livejournal.com/draconeville/ Is all about Neville/Draco I hope that helps.
  24. This story is not Draco/Neville, but they come out as the second pair, it's center around Harry/Blaise, and what I love about this Neville is that he comes out strong. Onyx Snow by Kamerreon I hope it helps
  25. O.k. here we go... I am looking for stories that have Snape as a slave to Harry, Harry does not have to be a top, but if he is it's even better. I am open to anything, he could be dark, Mpreg, BDSM. When I say anything is anything. I have read the following stories: Ashes of Armageddon by Emily Waters Esclavitud by Moon Of The Sea Deserving by Moon Of The Sea Thanks, Judi
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