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Everything posted by JCullen

  1. Chapter 12 posted up today! Please leave feedback!
  2. I know! It makes me pout. It's like "Okay well, people reading it...but do they like it? Do they hate it? Are they indifferent? I don't get it!!!!"
  3. Hey guys! I wrote this story as a break from All I Know. I love the movie Boiler Room and have always wanted to see something happen between Vin Diesels character and Scott Caan's character. This is a little take on something happening between the two actors. Feedback is loved as always! Title: Giving In Author: Jack Cullen Summary: Vin Diesel and Scott Caan get closer during the filming of Boiler Room. Rating: Adult+ Pairings: Vin Diesel/ Scott Caan Spoilers: None Feedback: Desired greatly!!! URL: Giving In
  4. I posted chapters ten and eleven! Eleven is a sex scene!!!! woot woot!!! Read and review ya'll!!!!
  5. Chapter nine is up!!
  6. No I totally know what you mean. That's exactly how I write as well, but right now I'm writing a story based on a film and all I'm really doing is adding a character to the original screen play and shaping it to fit the character's presence. So I'm going to end the story where or around where the film ends but not using the films ending and also not really knowing completely how I want it to end. Happy ending? Sad? Ironic? It's an amazing unexpected journey.
  7. When you're writing your story(ies) do you ever wonder yourself how it will end? Or do you already know how you want it to end in your head and giggle as you slowly reveal it? Usually I already know how I'll end a story, but this time...with the one I'm currently writing...I'm wondering how it'll end myself because while I had an ending in mind to begin with, I don't know if I want it to end the way I originally planned. It's kind of fun! hehe...how about you guys?
  8. Chapter Eight is up!!! Read and review!!
  9. It really is sad that people waste energy on flaming other peoples work...what a shame.
  10. Personally, I'm here mostly to improve my writing. Though a part of me enjoys knowing that other people are reading my stories and I honestly cant wait to receive reviews (good and bad) because it can only help me grow as a writer.
  11. Just posted Chapter Seven Reviews would be adored!!
  12. I'll admit, sometimes I have started to read a story solely for the sex scenes but as I read, found it intriguing and end up reading the entire thing, which makes the sex scene all the more gratifying as was previously mentioned. I personally depend the build up on the characters I'm writing. Is the character meek and/or shy...a virgin even? Or is the character sexually confident by nature? The answer to this is usually what determines how much of a build up you have, I have found.
  13. Gr. I get so annoyed with that as well, especially if the story is good and you want it to continue. Another thing that annoys me is when the story was clearly written by someone who does not speak English as first language. Don't get me wrong, I applaud those who make an effort to write in a foreign language but they should also make an effort to make sure the grammar and connotation is correct. If anything, they could have an English speaker proof read it for them.
  14. I see...got it. Thank you! hehe Excellent! Again, thank you
  15. Chapter six is up!!
  16. One of my favorites for the male penis is pikestaff...lol...love it
  17. <br /><br /><br />where do we send the report? I didn't see a button for reporting a deconstructive review. What exactly is "flaming" anyway? lol
  18. That would be amazing, thank you!!! Here's the link, if anything you can just copy/paste it...and I promise no blitz attacks. lol. You can be totally honest. If it sucks, it sucks. lol. http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092616
  19. I agree, after all the saying goes "You can't please everybody"
  20. I think it's a very thin line between finding it hot to read about in something you know is fiction and finding it hot by actually doing it. There is a darker side of human nature that is fun to explore creatively. One of my favorite authors in the world is the late Marqui DeSade. He wrote erotica only pertaining to the dark side of human nature. I don't think it makes you a freak or sick to read that kind of fiction.
  21. My point EXACTLY. Reviews aren't meant as an ego stroke. It's meant as a growth tool. Whether good or bad, every author likes feedback. I, personally, appreciate the critique more so than the praise. After all, how else can I grow? Reviewing completed stories, I usually save, for authors whose work I continue to enjoy. Or One Shot stories of course. Could I ask a favor? Would you three pwetty pwease give my story a read and drop a quick review? It doesn't have to be after every chapter and it doesn't have to be long. And you can be totally honest, I don't need sugar coating. (but thanks if you thought of using some) I'd just like to know before I continue writing it.
  22. I'm just wondering because no one has reviewed my story. Not that I'm upset about that, I was just curious as to whether or not you guys wait to review a story until its completion. I usually go by the authors request (if they make one) other wise, I review when the story is complete.
  23. Usually if I'm writing about something that I've never experienced first hand, I go through it mentally first hand. If it's something I would need to have experience doing to know how to write it, then I either read other fics on the subject, talk to someone who's experienced it or research as everyone else has said. It really all depends on how you personally absorb information and how that fits with your writing style...
  24. Chapter Five is up, waiting for you to read it and critique it. Um...it would be awesome if you could give me some feedback, any feedback at all is much appreciated... Chapter 5
  25. Chapter 4 was posted. Chapter 5 is coming soon, been a busy week.
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