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Everything posted by JCullen

  1. My God do people actually use these words? Eish... Globes I've heard but serpant cock?
  2. Hmm....I know what you mean...I've read stories that are actually really very good, original yet keeping realism. Then comes a sex scene that gets thrown by one silly or overused word (or more than one, that's happened too)and I suddenly loose interest in continuing the story. I've had moments where I was really into a chapter and something as small and simple as a single word has actually made my face contort. Strange how a word can have so much impact. Intriguing too...there should be a list of words that should never ever be used under any circumstances. lol. And about the grammar/ spelling; that gets on my nerves too. My mom is an English teacher and, though my grammar is far from perfect, I think that as a writer things such as syntax, grammar and spelling should be taken just as seriously as things such as plot, character developement and movement of the story. It's the details in the fabric that compile a true work of art, not the person doing the creating. *shrugs* That's what I think.
  3. Sorry I posted the wrong URL....oopsies...here's the correct one Hello kids! I just posted a new version of one of my stories in the Movies section. I wanted to promote it so that I could hopefully obtain some feedback. If you like Scott Caan, Shawn Hatosy or Dallas 362, check it out! Title: All I know Author: Jack Cullen Summary: After her father ran off with his secretary, her mother died and she was all alone. For a while, she stayed in Brooklyn where she'd grown up but soon she wanted bigger and better things, and she was lonely. Rating: Adult+ Pairings: Dallas/OFC Spoilers: None, unless you've never seen the movie. Feedback: Desired greatly!!! URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092616 Thanks, Jack
  4. This story: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092616 is the updated version of This story: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091534 which is the original (the one that needs to be deleted/merged). Thank you so very much! I appreciate your help.
  5. Hello kids! I just posted a new version of one of my stories in the Movies section. I wanted to promote it so that I could hopefully obtain some feedback. If you like Scott Caan, Shawn Hatosy or Dallas 362, check it out! Title: All I know Author: Jack Cullen Summary: After her father ran off with his secretary, her mother died and she was all alone. For a while, she stayed in Brooklyn where she'd grown up but soon she wanted bigger and better things, and she was lonely. Rating: Adult+ Pairings: Dallas/OFC Spoilers: None, unless you've never seen the movie. Feedback: Desired greatly!!! URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092616 Thanks so much, Jack
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