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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2018 in Posts

  1. Rubicon541


    Who says six years is too long to pick a story up? Oathbound chapter six is up. Or start from the beginning. Thanks!
    1 point
  2. Have to admit I do like FFN’s traffic graphs, how many loitered, which chapters they’re reading. Thought it’s also sobering how many show up, and promptly leave. However, having my “clean” version there is nice because then it lets people have a choice, reading sexual content or not, when my story can be expressed pretty nicely even without it. In my case, I resurrected an old piece of software, (needed to be rewritten), so that I can have the “adult” and “clean” versions in the same file; I simply annotate which parts are clean and/or adult-only. For instance “Ron aimed{| his dick} and began to {wet the bed|piss}.” is “Ron aimed and began to wet the bed.” in the clean version, or “Ron aimed his dick and began to piss.” in the adult version (as he’s soaking Seamus Finnigan’s bed). So, as I rewrite, I’m working on both versions simultaneously. Now, I have entire scenes, chapters, that are in the adult version, that aren’t in the clean, so there *is* a size difference; so far, the adult version has been getting more than twice the words of the clean.
    1 point
  3. With my originals, I just keep it as “adult” and not worry about it. My two main Harry Potter fanfics always have had the notion of having a “dirty”/adult version, regardless of the sorting I did in the early years. Until very recently I was only posting those to FFN, the “adult” side kinda waned, and sort of infected the cleaner side. As I rewrite the story, I’m making a clear distinction, and while it does have some smut, exploring the sexual side of the main characters adds a new dimension to the inter-relationships. It’s not like “clean” is free of sexual content, it’s just much more muted and reserved to significant points only – other “sex” would simply be implied, with a tendency to fade-fast-to-black to leave the rest to the reader’s imagination. Some things will be in the “adult” version only, such as Harry’s love for being naked with his girlfriend...anywhere, morphing him into an exhibitionist. He gets away with it because I’ve got his subconscious generating the (Inspired from Douglas Adams) … the “Somebody Else’s Problem” spell; so coppers, teachers, everybody else will see him naked, even comment on it, but nobody really does anything about it. So, later in the story, when he flips on this (out of fear), it drive home the extent of the fear that’s been instilled into him. Other “adult” scenes show the jealousy that Ginny feels because Harry’s found a different girlfriend than her (in my story).
    1 point
  4. I think it was back in 2012? Or thereabouts. Then there was the HF purge, which was not quite as dramatic or frantic, but still busy enough.
    1 point
  5. I don’t know what it is about numbers and analysis of them that tickles me. But it does. When was the last FFN smut purge? I remember when I was on FFN… God… 15 years ago? There was all this talk of a purge that everyone was freaked out about and up in arms even though no one I know had been affected by it. It became a friend-of-a-friend type of thing. Just the fear of it chased a lot of us off onto more perv-friendly sites like Noire Sensus, livejournal and little fandom popup sites. You’d think now that erotica’s become somewhat mainstream, FFN and their advertisers, or whoever’s pissing in their cornflakes about it, would loosen up a bit, but I wouldn’t mind a little boost of activity here. Especially in the forums. We could use some fresh meat.
    1 point
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