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  2. My apologies about the images I uploaded to the ‘Promote a Story’ section. I saw several others on the forum and was not aware of the rule.

    Thanks for all you do,


  3. I'm looking for a fic I read AGES ago, for some reason some werewolves end up living near privet drive, Harry (I think thanks to the horcrux, possibly necromancer powers) is incredibly attractive to dark creatures and they consider him a lord, ,maybe? More wolves and vampires, nags etc start moving in. I can't remember if it was FanFiction.net or Ao3.org. Harry is a little kid, not Hogwarts age.
  4. Images can only be added to the Art forum, per the rules found here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66222-can-i-upload-pornographic-pictures-to-the-forum/ Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  5. Images can only be added to the Art forum, per the rules found here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66222-can-i-upload-pornographic-pictures-to-the-forum/ Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  6. Images can only be added to the Art forum, per the rules found here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66222-can-i-upload-pornographic-pictures-to-the-forum/ Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  7. Images can only be added to the Art forum, per the rules found here: https://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/66222-can-i-upload-pornographic-pictures-to-the-forum/ Willow Darkling, forum moderator
  8. Author: CreepyUnclePete Title: The Best Deal Ever Summary: A beautiful but desperate widow needs a home and financial security for her daughters. A wealthy and powerful man wants a willing wife and some young pretty girls to play with. They make the best deal ever. Feedback is greatly appreciated, positive or otherwise. You don’t need to leave a full review. Just a “Good story” or “Hot stuff” makes my day. https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=add&no=600110417 Fandom: Original - Misc > General Pairing: MF, Mf, Mg, fg, multiple Warnings: 3Plus Anal Bi Bond Contro CR Fet FF Fingering HJ Inc MF Minor1 Minor2 Oral Preg Solo TBDL Toys Voy WD 3 of 12+ chapters are online so far, and more will be posted every few days URL: https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600110417
  9. Hey everyone! Managed to get up chapter 212 before an extra long day of work. Yay, Sunday work days! Apologies again for the slower posting but I think I should be working out a better schedule for writing. I actually took a second smaller job just to fill the hours when my wife is at work (she has an extra long drive) so I’ve been keeping busy but my interest in the story has not at all waned! I hope you’re all doing well and I’ll see you again soon!
  10. When I was young, I didn’t appreciate just how much of adult life would be taken up with trying to answer the eternal question of “Is this shirt still damp or just cold?”.  I can’t pretend to not be disappointed.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      That mean the dryer element went out again?

  11. Last week
  12. Author: Mina-chan95 Title: Trapped under the Beast's Claw Summary: After being kept as Shiki's pet for a while, Akira decides that she had enough of it and decides to run away. However, the very little that she knows that Shiki will chase her even to the edge of the world and won't let go what belongs to her that easily... Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism much appreciated. Fandom: Togainu no Chi Pairing: Akira x Shiki Warnings: Bond COMPLETE FF GB Oneshot PWP Toys Violence WAFF Solo story or chaptered story: One-shot/Solo story URL: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091922 Review Reply thread: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=add&no=600091922
  13. Guest

    She is the One

    Just to say, I’m sure the absence of responses does not in any way imply a slackening of interest. Please don’t feel discouraged: I for one am waiting to see whether Jack’s reply gets him any further in this ‘war.
  14. Whoever has the Ghost Chance voodoo doll right now, if they could give it a break, that would be nice. I don’t want to share details, lest my family find this site, recognize those details, and realize it’s me—right now, the last thing I need is a mass-shunning because I’m bi in a family of homophobes. But…

    Woozle. Our cat, Woozle. The little bag-obsessed orange garbage-baby. Our sweet, smelly, mouthy, single-braincell-bearing fur-son. That Woozle. We just found out he’s incredibly sick, the kind of sick that creeps in without warning, may not even show, and will eventually end his life. Right now, he’s still healthy and happy enough that his quality of life isn’t in question, but that could change without much notice. It could be a few years, or a few days, or who knows how long, but my little monster is terminally ill, and I’m a fucking mess right now. We’re doing everything we can, but there’s not much we can do to begin with.

    So. Yeah. Give your pets some cuddles for me. I’m probably going to go cry again because this fucking sucks.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Cuddle Woozle :licking-cat: to the end.  Been there (two of mine had similar prognosis), not pleasant. 

    2. BronxWench


      Sending love to you, Cold and Woozle. :licking-cat:

    3. GeorgeGlass


      I know what it’s like to have a cat who’s deeply flawed but who you love to bits, and to lose them. I’m so sorry.

  15. I was looking everywhere for a Tails X OC story but for the life of me I can't find it and I'm not even sure if it even exists
  16. So, chapter 3 of “Casino Night” went to beta about a week ago, and I’m expecting it back any time. And chapter 1 of “Augmented2” went to beta literally 2 minutes ago, so I’m expecting it back...sometime. My next goal will be getting the 4th and final chapter of “Itch Versus Scratch” beta-ready, although it still needs a fair amount of work.
  17. Hi again, tuake. Thanks for fixing the text. I am not a rabid canon-purist by any means. But you would have to break a lot of canon to have a fifteen year old boy and a twenty-two year old woman have a consensual (?) sexual relationship of a serious enough nature that the woman could actually cuckold the boy. After all, especially today, cuckolding implies that the relationship being cheated upon was a serious enough relationship that monogamy was agreed to by both parties. So, having a fifteen year old boy cuckolded by a twenty-two year old woman with another fifteen year old boy not only breaks canon, it also breaks common sense and reality. It would also get really icky really fast. Some people like that kind of kink, where others don’t. The Naruto/Boruto Temari the cuck-master story you suggested makes far more sense. You could also write it as a “triple-play” since Temari is married to Shikamaru. Good luck.
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