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    Crossroadsmk2 Updates

    Hey CrossroadsMk2, No problem. Take care of family before all else...hope the wife and twins are all doing well. Lead The Way!
  3. Today
  4. 44699
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  7. Okay. Creating a new account is not a good solution because members are only supposed to have one account. So, what would probably make the most sense here is to update your old account with your current email address if necessary, and then I can send you links to reactivate that account and set a new password. However, I would need to either delete your new account or merge the two accounts in order to make this work. If you want the accounts merged, I need to know if you want the original account to be the surviving account, and if so, which email address we should use.
  8. Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates recently - my personal life has been a bit hectic at the moment. The next chapter is finished and I'm in the process of proofreading it (in between doing other stuff). I'm going to try and make a push over the next couple of days to finish the proofreading and get it posted. Thanks for your patience.
  9. Hi BronxWench, I have created a new account here but I would like to be reconnected with my former account please. How do I do this? The password reset didn’t work so I created a new account with my same Penname. Thank you.
  10. 44694
  11. 44693
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  13. 44691
  14. Last week
  15. Hi all! No chapter yet but it should be up in the next ocuple of days. I want to apologize again for the slow pace and I promise to be back as soon as I can. Time just seems to be slipping away from me.
  16. I’ve emailed you the links to reactivate your account and reset your password. The instructions are in the email.
  17. 44690
  18. Hello, I am too trying to gain access to my old account however the password reset link does not work when I click it. May you help me reset password? email: ivy.dobe@gmail.com Thank you!
  19. 44689
  20. 44688
  21. 44687
  22. 44686
  23. So I think I’ve written some version of all three in various scenarios. But I guess I have been focusing on the word tag team because that’s a phrase that came up in crafting the story and in the dialogue. Though I would say that my “tag teams” are closer to the second option with the two guys on one girl and sort of a combination of the first and third when it’s the two women on one guy.
  24. From ekmedic on January 26, 2025 Thank you! The story is told entirely from Jozi's perspective, so we know a lot more about what she's thinking that we know about the others. Rest assured, there will be a lot more said about Zero in the coming chapters. Thanks for the comments!
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