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PW's Review Replies for AFF Prompts


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Apollo: Thank you for hosting the prompts challenge, and making an effort to read each and every one. I haven't had this much fun writing Drabbles, etc. in AGES!

Treats: Thank you! Yes, our dear pet does long for his Mistress' approval. Shouldn't they all?

Harvest: Wow, I wrote imagery? Sensuality? Aw shucks, thank you muchly. I'm happy that someone could appreciate how many senses would be engaged in such a setting. I wanted to do more, but would have KILLED the word limit: the heat of the fire on the druidess' back, the damp, cold grass under her knee, the smoothness of the oils on her fingertips, the icy touch of those same fingertips on his penis ... oops, I digress.

Fairy Slayer:

Treats: I'm glad you liked this. When limiting something to 100 words, we rely so heavily on the readers' imaginations that I'm almost frightened to toss them out for viewing. Not scared when readers like you bring so much to the so little I offered. Thank you.

Harvest: Again, I'm so glad that you liked this. I've been daydreaming a lot about what a ritual might require for another story where I'm stuck. Somehow, a healing got mixed up with harvest in my head, and now we have fingerpainting nudes with, only visible in the moonlight, ink. I'm glad you appreciated the subtlety of that aspect.


Harvest: Dear, watching is acceptable only from inside the sacred circle. Please enter the sanctuary as you entered the world, i.e. naked. Proceed to be blessed, and participate!

Asexual Biped

Harvest: As a farming witch, I am shamed. See what happens when we rush! Thank you for taking the time to read and review and correct an old witch.

Treats: I don't know about correctly, but I do know what *I* like! I'm thrilled you liked it too.

JayDee: I am highly flattered by your review, more than you could possibly know. I've been practicing being more concise, and making better word choices. Thank you for noticing.

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Anubis: Thank you so much for the compliment.

JayDee: Wow, again, that was a review to treasure close to my shriveled heart. I didn't think I described that erection very much, but then, since we're practicing to evoke much with very little, I thank you!

Apollo: Yes, it seems I've found a theme. Who would have imagined the Wiccan stuffs from an old cranky witch? Thank you again for hosting this wonderful challenge. It has been great fun thus far. I anticipate even more fun!

Zipflopohmygod: Thanks so much for noticing the druidic tendencies. I haven't exactly found much describing the old ways, so my imagination has started to create pictures. And, yes, being a practical lot, I can imagine some of the participants would not be keen on being naked in the cold. Although, once they get close enough, the watchfire is big enough to warm everyone up. Then, of course, there is what I imagine to be part of the ceremony that just might cause a few of our druids to raise a sweat. :D Thanks for taking time to read and comment.

Fairy Slayer: Thank you so much for even thinking you might want to read a full story of this. Happily, since starting these challenges, I've caught glimpses of that strange muse creature amongst my pines. Perhaps, I shall be able to entice her close enough to start a real story ...

Asexual Biped: tradition -- that it would be damned cold standing outside this time of year was the one sensation that just kept coming back to me. Yeah, I'd be grumpy about that too. Especially, if like the novitiate, I was the last to get to bask in the fire's warmth. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

DemonGoddess: Aw shucks, I's glad yeh liked 'em. This has been GREAT fun!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tradition: JayDee: those insane ones who do the Polar Bear Plunge just amaze me ... ain't no way I'd be jumping into the rivers here in January!


Cornucopia -- you do know that I would read all about that kinky pie eating contest, doncha? That poor novitiate really did get hammered into place. I'm fairly certain that is one initiation ritual that shall stay with the members for years to come.


Cornucopia -- I would so love to see an artist grace me with a picture of that scene. I see it very vividly in my mind and I doubt that I conveyed it as vividly. Thanks for the compliment!


Cornucopia -- I'm glad you liked the "offering." I thought it was rather appropriate that the pet would offer the gift back to his Mistress. :D


Cornucopia -- I think I shall grant your wish.


Cornucopia -- Thanks so much for enjoying my little characters. Don't feel bad for the novitiate -- the Mistress could have done so much worse. :P


Cornucopia -- I am flattered that I was able to evoke some sympathy from you, of all authors, for the misfortunate novitiate. I consider that a very high compliment indeed. Weird how the recaptcha seemed so fitting as well.


Turkey -- 510 years is old enough for me too! Teenagers = never satisfied.


Turkey -- the poor teenager is just so put out, isn't she? Oh well, more turkey for us!


Turkey -- I'm not sure there is anyone left to mete out just desserts for the inappropriate use of the turkey.


Turkey -- have ever tried to heft a stuffed turkey? Slimy things, lol. :D And thanks for the flame, it shall keep me warm all winter long!


Turkey -- yeah, I'd have to say 510 is plenty long enough for me to consider it a tradition too!

Snow -- well, since the damn muse has brought me these characters, I can tell you that Connor has a damn good reason for waiting patiently for his Mistress' command. She in turn has damned good reasons for not attacking Edward. Thanks for not liking him!


Snow -- I am impressed that you were able to read all of that in such few of my words. Yes, Edward and the Mistress are being set up as the interpersonal clash of the titans.


Snow -- I only hope I don't disappoint you in the future.


Snow -- thank you so much for the compliment. I added Edward as a counter to the Mistress, but he has a deeper role to play in the future. I'm hoping to be able to carry on with these characters, imagination cooperating and all!

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  • 2 weeks later...


AB: Would it surprise you to read that I have been adding to this tale in the background, not posting, but sculpting it into what may well be a real story? Thank you so much for your encouragement!

FS: I do adore my commas a bit too much. *hangs head* I'm sorry I confused you. I had to cut down on the words this time. I probably cut where I shouldn't have ... as to the relationship between Edward and Aine -- it has solidified in my mind as part of the backstory, but I think I shall keep that a secret yet to be revealed.

AI: I so like my ribbons and boys, errr, bows. :P The relationship between Edward and Aine shall become more clear, I hope, as the prompts progress.

Bored_Straight: Wow! I am so pleased that you like my little pet characters! Happy dances!

SK: she wasn't as cruel as she could have been. The knot was tied quite loosely after all ... she does love her pet. Thanks so much for enjoying the tale. I was aiming for a bit of fairy tale and such. Yay for noticing!

JayDee: would you believe I didn't see the new prompt before I posted this one! I scored the jackpot with "gift" as that prompt just flowed into a whole scene! I doubt that I'll be so lucky in the future. Dribs and Drabs of the story to string you along, dear!

BW: I can't find enoough words to express how grateful I am to you, and everyone for enjoying these figments of my imagination. Pssst: I was rooting for Connor too.

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BW: Yes, Mistress is quite generous with Connor. He shall be receiving some gifts as well!

FS: very astute observation. Yes, if the prompts cooperate ... more conflict shall arise, as well as other things. Edward is more complicated than a simple target villain, which I hope I will be able to illustrate down the road. Thank you so much for all of your encouragement with this endeavor.

AI: Yes, I do harbor a love of elves and pointy ears ... hopefully I shall be able to illuminate more of Aine's heritage as the weeks progress. And, Connor will mete or meet something soon. :rolleyes:

Holds all of her gift reviews close and admires them!

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  • 1 month later...


SK: I hope you enjoyed your contemplation to completion. Glad to help with the meditation. :P

FS: Ya think? A real story? Thanks for even considering me for a career as an author ... I still think I'm just playing with words though.

AI: Short, sweet, and to the point. Insert Tab A in Slot B. Revenge!

JayDee: thank you! Connor is not going to lose that ribbon. He will cherish it. :P

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Pillow, et al.

AI: somehow all three prompts just fit. I lucked out. Still waiting for the prompt axe to drop and :samurai:

FS: You do know that I love that you ask so many questions. I find it highly flattering that someone takes such an interest in the product of my imagination!

JayDee: Are you reading my mind too? Wow ... just wow. Thanks for seeing everything between the lines as well. Wow.

BW: Graceful? Get outta town! I did something graceful! Whooops and tries to dance, trips and falls flat on her face. :P

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AI: I know, it seems like a small space to everyone else, but 1,000 words is an eternity to me. Thank you so very much for reading in my little world.

BW: I cherish those words, that you are drawn to Aine and not finding her to be annoying at all, or worse, an original Sue. :P

FS: LOLOL -- I can just see JayDee chasing me around the Shoutbox with an hourglass, which is basically what happened after all! And BINGO! on the bride to be. I will try to remember not to bold the prompt word. Old habits die hard. That was a requirement for another challenge series I did eons ago. NO, you are not reading too much into it. It was a very deliberate affectation of the author to have Edward's toy break, and the sand spilling everywhere, never to be completely recaptured. :) Yes, Connor is WAY better than the pat down at the airport. Makes me wonder what he'd think of airplanes ...

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TN: Wow! Thanks for noticing the imagery. :P I'm just stunned by your compliment, elegant? My writing? Wow, :blushes:

AB: I have to confess that I am seeing a whole story growing in my mind with these characters, and I think that is why it seems to flow. I am holding my breath every week before the prompt comes out. And, I was really floundering a bit with the sand until JayDee thwapped me with an hourglass. Thank you so much for your compliments as well.

I have just been blown away by all of you enjoying the figments of my twisted imagination!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hourglas: Anesor, thanks so much for giving my little tale a try. Yes, I think there is a figurative clock ticking in this story. Time seems to be running out on their way of life. Maybe that's just 'cause I know where I want it to end. Thanks again!


FairySlayer: I've said it before, but I'll say it again, "I love you. Absolutely love you." Your review has to be the best praise anyone has ever given my work. When life became overwhelming this week, a happy little thought popped in my head, "Pittwitch Fan site." 'Nuff said. I'm blown away that you think my tale is that good. At the risk of offending SK here, I'm tickled PINK! Aine chose to have Colin present for all of your reasons, and one more that shall remain undisclosed at this time. The brothers needed to learn a lesson.

Apollo: sorry to burst your happy bubble, but that was only half the story. There's ten strikes pending. :spank:

JayDee: Yes indeed, Connor has been pushing for more than a few chapters. Aine has developed an affection for him and she's not entirely certain that is a good idea. I glad you enjoyed the manhandling. Perso"anally" (my new favorite typo) I enjoyed that part of the imagery much more than the spanking part. Well, there's 10 strikes on the book, and 10 pending. We'll have to see where the next prompt leads.

Well, we'll have to wait and see where the next prompt leads, but the ending for the whole tale came to me in a rush of madness, or inspiration if you so choose to believe, and I scribbled it out, sketchy, but hopefully knowing "where" this is going will help guide the prompts in the right direction.

Thanks to you all for killing time with me and my story. I dearly love those reviews and will cherish them, and kiss them, and cuddle them, and pet them, oh, drat, carried away again.

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12 chapters in, and more to come! Whoo!

With the story firmly established as an ongoing plot, have you thought about adding a title that says more than the AFF prompt connection? Certainly, with the way you've weaved the prompts into the continuing story it is become more than the sum of the prompts. I wonder if putting the current title as a modified A/N inside chapter one below a more plot/theme related title would deservingly draw in more readers too, though the summary probably helps there already.

Please don't get me wrong! There would be nothing remiss in leaving the title as it is, it just occured to me is all when I was looking through again today.

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Awww, JayDee, you're reading my mind again.

If the story had a title, it would be, Where Faeries Live Still.

That's what I've named the gigantic mishmashed doc the prompts are all housed in anyway. I was wondering if I should add the title myself last week.

Could change the title and put the Prompt info in the summary ...

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Thank you very much, you depraved bisexual, you!

Thanks for reading and reviewing so faithfully. It has become so that I look forward to your review almost as much as I look forward to your prompt reply!

FairySlayer, king of ponies: I said it before, and I'll say it again. I love you! Your reviews make me smile all damn week. I'm glad no one is pointing out the shortcomings in Drowsy. I must have been a bit drowsy myself when re-reading it. Bad witchy. I'll share the expanded version when finished if y'all so desire.

PW the paranoid

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ZipFlopOhMyGod: " Poppy tea, when made right, is quite delicious. I like how you've turned the prompts into a cohesive story. I can't wait to see what the next chapter will be. :)" Let's hope Edward likes poppy tea! Thank you forthe compliment. I usually can't wait to see what the next chapter will be as well. Thanks for reading and taking the time to review.

Gslinger "

Dear Delightfully Wicked Mistress Pittwitch: Wow! Delightfully wicked ... grins stupidly at praise.

Knowing what I do of Wicca Ways, yes males honor the Goddess through the high prestess, and take somewhat a back seat in the power department, yet I never made any connection with such a thing as submissive pets and BDSM games that takes in your series of your tales. My little microcosm world is loosely based on actual practices, and very much more on my imagination. I firmly embrace males honoring their goddesses. I can't tell you more details about Connor's relationship with Aine, as I hope the prompts will lead me to where I see this story concluding. Wouldn't want to put the cart before the horse and all. I will tell you, that as this grew from only a drabble, it has picked up near the end of their story. As the prompts fall, I hope to add more details to this relationship, to show Connor's true role. As it is, loosely playing with the time frame, I'm placing this at the point where society was turning away from the matriarchal/naturalistic towards the patriarchal/organized church/politics.

But there is a rich malevlent dark side to the fairies and elfs of elder world they weren't all pink and precious they had cruel side. I so wholeheartedly concur! They appariently consider human servants vastly inferior to them. So I recognise such behavior might be acceptable under certain situations... after all its a fantasy. It amuses me that Aine's refine tone and speach becomes much more formal during her disaplained bouts, as she wacks male bottoms and other parts into submission. Aine sees these "sessions" as instructional, but is so torn by the affection that has grown in her for Connor. As the author, I can tell you that the affection she harbors will be frowned upon in the future. Being the rebelous person I am, I would find it difficult to hold affection for anything or anyone, who would seem to get off on my pain, I just don't swing that way I guess. Again, I wholeheartedly concur. Some people, for reasons beyond my comprehension, enjoy it very much. But for some reason your main nearly incestous bro/sis characters are not terribley likeable to me they seem too vain and too selfishly, self envolved to the point they don't care about anyone, but having their wills and desires obeyed, almost to the point of madness. Oh my, if you only knew what I knew, you'd be very angry with me. The true relationship between Edward and Aine will not be completely clear until the last. Somehow, for this story to finish where I want, I foresee a vast un-prompted finale.

I do find it amazing that you tell so much story and create such complex characters personalitied in so few paragraphs and it makes me want to see what happens next. High praise, and I thank you!

Personaly I think Colin [despite his affection for Aine] and his bro are started get bit bored with their subservient station in life needs take a nice long walk and disapear into the great dark woods, never to be seen again. I can't wait to see what you write next??? Hmmm, I dont' see Colin holding much affection for the Mistress. Connor holds more affection than he should. Both brothers have a higher purpose, or I don't see either of the lasting a week with their handlers.

Rebellious Cal the Gslinger

Thanks so much for the review! I take great joy in learning of readers' reactions, whether they agree with my views or not, to the words I cobble together.

Edited by pittwitch
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"So, is this just to create a positive association between relaxation & pleasure and the chosen bride in Edward? Or is she just trying to calm him so he'll stop yammering? I can imagine all sorts of things she (or her pets) could do to a helpless big brother. It's an interesting, and effective, teaser for the next part."

My dearest Slayer of Fairies and childhood dreams:

It is my firm belief that this would not be the first time Aine has fed her dear brother something to stop his yammering. I can imagine things the Colin would like to do to a helpless Edward in retribution, but in this case, Aine has not completed Connor's lesson yet. Nor has she upheld her promise. I was so hoping the prompt this week would lead to voyeuristic fairies and schmex, but I counsel patience for myself as well as the readers.

Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to review. Love ya for it!


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  • 3 weeks later...


JayDee: not weird at all, I am forever hearing music in my head to go with stories! Aine isn't allowed to bump off Edward ... yet. :P


Apollo: I'm glad you're seeing more to Edward than a villain. He has a difficult role to play in the future. I'm actually feeling a bit sorry for the ol' chap. But, then again, I know what I plan to do with him. Ominpotent authors are great! Aine never breaks her promises: good, bad or indifferent, she's going to follow thru!


FairySlayer: If you were a servant in that house, wouldn't you run too? I would, after all, I'm a giant coward, lol. I am THRILLED that you sense the bitterness in Edward might be more than meets the eye. He really is struggling with some issues we haven't seen yet. Hmmm, maybe we'll notice something about Connor soon.

JayDee: I should have known your keen eye would pick up on one word that does clue us all in to the fact that Aine and Edward are not full blood siblings! The last three prompts have just flowed so nicely for me. I'm waiting for the axe to drop though.

ZIP: I'm so glad you are enjoying this sordid little tale! I've been quite lucky that the prompts have worked so far. I'm waiting for the one that is going to throw a wrench at my head though. :D

Bronxwench: Now, dear I know full well you've been strangled by real life priorities lately. Reviews are welcome any time! Yes, very astute of you to note that Beltane shall be a turning point for more than Edward ...


FairySlayer: I'm so glad I've managed to hold your attention, and pique your curiosity. Very observant that there is a big difference this time, if things pan out, I believe we'll see ... hmmm, well, we'll just see. :unsure: Can't say much more without giving away the whole surprise.

Thanks to everyone for reading and reviewing. I luv y'all for it!

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  • 2 years later...

Anesor: If all pans out, Ellana will not be heralded throughout history for her great acts of charity or kindness. A great Queen is not her destiny. :D

Rowdygirl: I cannot even express how much your praise meant to me today. Most of the time, I think this is just one giant brilliant disaster! Thank you so much for brightening my day!

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  • 2 months later...
"Oh, this was dark indeed, and a terrible glimpse into the past. Such a violation of that sacred trust should never have been allowed, and I have a feeling the King will have paid dearly for that transgression.

Haunting and perfect as always, my Witch"

This King already thinks he has paid dearly and exacted his retribution. Little does he know of Ainerin's more youthful dark side. Here, I was going to write a PWP and she took over again. I'd better finish her story or she'll just take over my whole life!

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Oh, I'm sure Ainerin will show him just how wrong he is.

And as a very selfish reader, I do so enjoy when Ainerin demands to be heard. She's one of the most memorable and enthralling women I've had the pleasure to encounter, much like her author. :D

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*blushes* Why thank you, dear Wench! She is a demanding character to have floating in my subconscious for sure. Her background keeps cropping up. Things have made her the way she is. Plus, there had to be a compelling reason why Ellana took her and fled the realm to meet Edward's father. :P I'll just leave that little spoiler right there.

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