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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. I kinda hit a wall at 20K, but congrats CL...you NaNo brown nose
  2. ahhhhh, yeah, you got Pywacket so....sorry about that but it just a flesh wound right
  3. please no have pity Christy...not another female
  4. Yes, she's been bugging me so here you go, updated Shadows
  5. Pen Name: Magusfang Title: Children Of The Night Mother or Child Of The Night Mother. Haven't decided yet. Word count: 12,271 I changed stories mid stream Excerpt: Child Of The Night Mother Chapter 1: Reborn Gayle stared at the iron clad men, their faces twisted so in rage and fear that they only vaguely resembled humans as they crowded around her and her companions, men and women who she knew intimately but also never met in her relatively short life. She could hear the din of battle, steel and iron ringing out so loudly it almost drown out the screams of agony from the dying and wounded; she could smell the blood and feces in the air and knew it was the perfume the Angel of Death preferred. It took Gayle only a moment to realized the tall strong body she seemed to inhabit wasn't hers, the powerful hands that held both her horse's reigns and the wicked looking sword were definitely not hers. Gayle also quickly realized that even though she saw from the eyes of some great and fearsome warrior of an age long past; she was just a passenger, having no control over the body she now inhabited. She watched helplessly as the powerful man spurred the great horse beneath him and fear crept into her breast as the creature leapt forward and she could feel the unbridled power of the massive steed, its screams of rage echoing it's master's as they joined battle together. Gayle watched in horror as the heavily muscled arm that held the sword swung back and forth, mowing men down like a farmer harvesting wheat; but the chaff of the carnage was the hot salty blood that splashed her, leaving a coppery taste in her mouth and the flat smell of wet iron clinging to her nostrils. Had she any control of the massive man she haunted from inside, she would have retched and most likely fallen from the sure footed beast that ran down nearly as many men as it's master struck down with the blood slimed blade in his hand. Gayle didn't need to turn and look behind the to know the path of carnage they left in their wake was truly something more suited to hell! Gayle suddenly felt an agonizing sharp pain between her shoulder blades, a pain that quickly turned to a fiery burning unlike anything she had ever experienced; a pain so all encompasing that her hands went numb and she lost both sword and reigns as she slowly slid from the iron and leather saddled, the ground quickly rushing up to meet her. But before she could impact the blood soaked earth, her eyes flew open and she gasped loudly, sure she still felt the agonozing burning of whatever had mortally pierced her body. She stiffened as the pain left her, slowly fading like the after glow in one's eyes after staring at the sun for too long; once she could concentrate on what her body was really feeling, she realized she wasn't wearing armor and was, in fact, a cool soft night gown; it wasn't some war charger she lay on, or even the wet slimy earth, but a soft bed with soft warm sheet covering her small body. But there was one other sensation that quickly garnered her attention, a large muscular arms holding her gently and she instinctively knew that the large gentle hand draped over her small breast was indeed the same strong hand she saw in her dream, the same hand that was holding a blood drenched sword as it's owner ended life after life.
  6. I write pretty fast but I was stuck, little writer's block but I think I'm beyond it...more angst coming...and even more action...there could be blood
  7. Yep, still writing. Kinda got stuck but I think I'm on a good roll here. Should have a chapter up soon, and I promise we'll see this story to a proper end, just may take a bit.
  8. What's funny about Magus the Omniscient? get it?
  9. Evil? I prefer to think of it as creating anticipation actually I'm having a little trouble meshing the four story lines. But never fear, I'll get it I blame Chrissy for sidetracking me with this halloween thing
  10. I'll just chew my way through his spine...he should get the message
  11. Was thinking about it but don't want to make the characters too invicible...gotta kill a few more before its all over
  12. it never did, was like a sack of dirt hitting the ground damn near every time
  13. yeah...i tend to worry about getting from the plane to the ground, never quite got the hang of landing
  14. Though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil...cause it's my valley
  15. Author: Magusfang Title: Girls Who Wear Glasses Summary: Gayle works in a small office and as the nerdy girl she is all but invisible to the men around her. But she decides to make some drastic changes and she garners more attention than she planned on at the office Halloween party. URL: TBA
  16. Chapter 13 is up, not happy with it but you can only pound on a nail so long...
  17. Chapter 13 is up, not happy with it but you can only pound on a nail so long...
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