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Posts posted by Shadowknight12

  1. I wanted to thank those who reviewed my stories so some I sent a pm and those who had stories of their own I read and reviewed which led to the worst review I have ever written:

    "I wanted to thank you for your review of my Ben 10 story so I thought I would read and review your story, but I'm sorry I don't have anything good to say other than it wasn't bad. It was just... well I'll just say it. It was dull, nondescript, and generic. It had nothing to offer the reader. No descriptions of the scenery, of the girl, and nothing of their emotional state. It was almost sterile. Like being trapped in a room that was nothing more than a box with white walls a white floor and a white ceiling

    Sorry I couldn't offer anything more and I sincerely hope this doesn’t come off as flaming I just wanted to give an honest opinion. Good luck with your next story."

    Was that to much? Should I delete it or leave it and await the inevitable? :hitthefan:

    I've had authors flipping their proverbial shit over nicer reviews.

    [insert rant about spoiled, self-entitled authors who think they deserve nothing but praise]

  2. I'm really sorry to hear all that, girls, but at least it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone. I used to think I was the one that was wrong. I was the asshole, being too negative or too blunt or not saying enough positive things. I used to try and try to get it right, because I really wanted to help someone get better. But I kept failing and failing. Eventually I just blamed myself.

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who had the exact same problem, even if it's kind of a little late for the realisation. :)

  3. I do understand your point of view and I can definitely sympathise, but you've got to see it from my side as well. There's only so much drama you can take from people before you feel the urge to sod it all. Reviewing is a thankless job that nobody pays you to do. I'm sorry that people like you have to suffer along all the assholes, but that's the way the world works. Maybe one day in the distant future I'll work up the will to review again, but I can't speak for anyone else in my same position. A lot of people get burnt for good.

  4. Well, I think that a lot of the people who react poorly to concrit and yet admit there are problems with their writing is because concrit reminds them of their failures and they react negatively to it. Is it immature? Of course. But I have to say, it's pretty damn hard to swallow your pride and take concrit when all you want to do is yell "I know! I know it's horrible! Don't rub it in!". LOL. It takes so much maturity and conscious effort I can't find it in me to condemn people who fail to do it.

  5. Meh, I can't relate, because I'm exactly the kind of person who does that. I'm always glad to see some humility in a writer, even if it's fake and just fishing for praise. Because see, most of us suck. It's nothing personal, it's just Sturgeon's Law. However, a great deal many of us are convinced that they are amazing, decent or just don't want to acknowledge there might be something negative with the story. And that's kind of silly. Because of Sturgeon's Law, odds are your writing sucks. Odds are *my* writing sucks. We can't all be the lucky 10%.

    So it's nice when an author displays sufficient self-awareness as to realise that their writing is probably crap. Of course, if they don't really believe it, it's just a waste of everyone's time, but to me, self-deprecation instantly makes me like an author (and their works) a little more.

  6. Hola, me pidió el staff que me acerque para poder resolver tu problema.

    Tu disclaimer está casi todo bien, tu único problema es el uso de la palabra "provecho" que como sabrás, no significa exclusivamente dinero, sino cualquier tipo de beneficio. La ley Americana indica que este tipo de disclaimer debe dejar bien en claro que no estás sacando dinero de escribir fan fiction, así que sería necesario que lo dejes un poquito más explícito.

    Un buen ejemplo sería "ni hago dinero" en lugar de "ni saco provecho."

    Gracias y disculpá la molestia. :)

  7. This is a very common doubt that plagues writers, particularly if they're new at the art. The only way to really know whether the characters you're writing are Mary Sues or not is to develop a strong sense of objectivity. You need to learn to pretend you have other opinions, other viewpoints, that you don't know what you, as a writer, know. Place yourself in the eyes of the audience, that's the only way you're going to find out. Like, for example, pretend you despise "cuteness" or clinginess. Does your character still have redeeming factors? Does she have flaws the audience can identify with? (remember: a flaw is only a flaw if it actually hampers the character; arachnophobia is not a flaw if the character never encounters spiders or never actually gets hindered in any way when she encounters one).

    Being detached and unemotional about your own writing is one of the hardest skills to acquire, but it's arguably the best when it comes to ensuring the quality of your work.

    And if you ever become a respected author someday, do try to keep this sort of thing in mind. I can't tell you how many authors I've seen who become so full of themselves in their maturity that they don't even consider the possibility that they too can make mistakes and write painful Mary Sues.

  8. I have personally no idea how accurate it is, but I read a lot of this once (before it bored me) and it showcased a lot of Norse culture, but since it's written by Japanese people and then translated to English, there's a chance it's terribly inaccurate as far as culture goes (it had a lot of Japanese tropes too), but for a cinematic, video-gamey story it sounds like you could do worse than borrowing a lot from that, even if it's not terribly historically accurate.

    And HELL YES we need more gay warriors! :lol:

    I'll get you more links as I find them!

  9. Uh... what? What part of what I'm saying precludes the use of jail as a change? I'm actually suggesting you how to extend the sentence if 6 years is too little.

    As for the originality thing... you will never have an original idea. None of us will. Everything has already been done before, whether by someone famous or by someone who fell into obscurity, and seeking originality is a madman's goal. It's better to just let go and embrace that fact. What makes a story enjoyable is not the originality of the plot, but the way it's told.

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