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Posts posted by Shadowknight12

  1. Wait, where's the typo? He got pissed when she slowed down. What? It's a perfectly normal reaction to have, for a man! If she was keeping a good pace, slowing down (or even worse, stopping altogether) could make you pretty angry...

    ( :P )

  2. A writer meant to use "soul of a slut" but it came out as "should of a slut", leading to me privately wondering how you'd identify particularly slutty shoulders and him promising to find a way to include "shoulders of a slut" in a future story. It made me laugh anyhow :D

    That sounds like something taken straight out of an Oglaf comic. :lol:

  3. She is! :D

    Well, becoming a Spirit Healer requires making a deal with benevolent Fade spirits. Sort of like the opposite of blood magic. Look at BOTH our lovely spirit healers and how they turned out. I'm not saying there's predisposition or anything, but it's quite possible that trafficking with benevolent Fade spirits might lead to one of them wanting to help out the mage and both of them merging into something like Wynne or Anders. It certainly seems like it's far more likely than one thinks. But then again, I'm not sure if I'll be an Arcane Warrior or a Spirit Healer, so who knows? ;)

    A lecture from Wynne? She only lectures you when you get into a romance or when you make a questionable story decision. How strange!

    As for the warrior damage, that's because of your decision to "balance" her stats. If you had focused on Strength at the expense of everything else, you would be dealing A LOT of damage as a 2H warrior. Also, LOL at dwarf in templar armour. That's hilarious.

    Hah! That sounds terrible. Poor dwarves, getting treated like morons! :rofl:

  4. About XP: I got XP (and a LOT of it) for delivering items to the Chantry, no combat necessary. It was just a matter of purchasing reagents from the merchants and crafting. Yes, nothing levels you up faster than combat, but remember that 1) Training simulates combat, giving you XP (though probably less), 2) you can't discard non-combat XP because there is overwhelming evidence against that, and 3) People live for a long time. We've no idea what the statistical rates of mortality are, but it seems fairly evident that a lot of people (of all classes) make it to old age. Even in the worst possible place we've seen (the elven Alienage), there's still a fairly good percentage of old people. Age means experience. Experience means levels.

    Anora DOES have more levels than Cailan, probably, but she's a rogue who specialises in passive/noncombat/communication abilities. Or hell, maybe she's one HELL of a combatant, but we don't know because we've never seen her fight. And as for the "pawn" thing, I just don't see it. Cailan was a pawn, sure. She's actually under the thumb of someone with far more levels (and goons) than her. Not to mention it's her father and she seems reluctant to oppose him directly, for a good part of the game. No, I don't think she's a pawn. Her level and abilities are actually a huge mystery.

    The bell curve principle can only apply when there's something called an average. In all the examples you have given, there is an average on which the bell curve is built. We have no evidence whatsoever that there is an "average level" for the people in the DA world, so a bell curve is, by statistical definition, impossible.

    The only true, solid evidence we have is that 1) there's always roughly equal-level people to challenge us, no matter the point in the game (and I mean actual people, not darkspawn or monsters), 2) there are hard minimums and maximums on enemy levels that vary from location to location, and 3) it's never stated anywhere that high-level people (even high-level mages, which are far more destructive and flashier than high-level rogues and warriors, which is what 99% of the population would be) are rare whatsoever. Nor that a 35th level character is, in any way, 'less supportable' by the world than a 1st level character. Do they need to eat more? Do they take up more space? Do they consume more resources in any way? Are they able to rewrite reality? No. They're just deadlier in combat. And in the RPG, not even that, since we have the Communication and Perception abilities, which let us make socially- and scout-focused characters, which are awesome as diplomats/merchants/scouts/servants/farmers/guards/slaves/etc but terrible in actual combat.

  5. Actually, all that makes a ton of sense. The Dalish would definitely need a lyrium merchant. I think we should go with that. Maybe she was there when the clan stopped to restock before the trip to Gwaren, epic re-encounter took place, then somebody (maybe Kathe, maybe mother, maybe Keeper?) decide it'd be a good idea for Kathe to tag along. Maybe she offers to do so because of the isolationist nature of Gwaren's Chantry (being a town cut off from the rest of Ferelden).

    Also, we'll see in a few days if DA2 shows us anything about Gwaren, even in passing, that we can use for the game, too.

  6. But how would she know any of that? Even if templars have unofficially decided not to go after the Dalish's apostates (because in the game we're led to assume that templars vs. Dalish clan in the woods, templars lose), it seems very... unwise of the Dalish to let themselves be predicted like that. And even if we go with that, why would she be allowed to come with the elves on a mission? I think it'd work better if she had some backing from their mother and perhaps from the Keeper as well, if she's to join the group. Perhaps Kathe went to Denerim first, then followed her mother's trail from town to town (tracking her journey from Denerim to the Brecillian forest) and eventually found the clan? At least that way it explains why she found the clan at all, because she was actually looking for it (the "merchant" thing actually has a lot more backing if it's a well-hidden merchant she had to struggle to find and not some random merchant in the woods she stumbled on at the right time).

    Hah! You're right! I'll add my sheet as well.

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