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Status Updates posted by Shadowknight12

  1. You've piqued my curiosity! What is it? :D

  2. I think I'm going to dehydrate severely from this insane amount of drooling... Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hah, no, actually I have about 4-5 seasons to catch up with. Last I saw was Season 2.

  4. Oooooooooh sexy! Dreamy looks are irresistible.

  5. I have scoured it clean! Clean!

  6. It's always interesting to see an artist's evolution, isn't it?

  7. Angsty and moody! I have to agree with your assessment of the two guys you mentioned.

  8. Well, your J-boys are pretty, too. But they're so funny and perky and I'm a sucker for brooding, emotionally damaged types (*cough*Sam*cough*Dean*cough*).

  9. All too true! Those lips... and those puppy eyes... *loses train of thought*

  10. In response to "Sammy, Sammy, Dean" I can only say: DROOL. And other assorted incoherent noises. :D

  11. I condemn you to an eternity of magpies and ravens, crows and hawks, and all sorts of sharp-beaked birds of carrion and prey, an eternity of ocular pain. For plagues shall be scorched from the holy land of AFF with fire and steel and doomed to an eternity of mockery and suffering. In other words, you fucking suck.

  12. Your new "I molested myself" icon had me rolling on the floor with laughter! :D

  13. No problem! You can also set up a review reply thread, much like the one I have here: http://www2.adultfanfiction.net/forum/index.php/topic/18634-review-replies-for-aff-prompt-gifts/ , just place it in the same category, for Games, and you're all set! And well, I wish you luck on the growing beast! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!

  14. You, sir, are the utmost epitome of stupidity. I would advise you to cease your huffing of ammonia, it seems to have adversely affected your mental capacities. It is my sincerest hope that you awaken one night amidst a fire of Alexandrian proportions, cradled by the searing flames you deserve.

    May your grave be dug shallowly and raided by coyotes,

    Shadow Knight.

  15. *grins*


  16. Ahhhh. Well, in that case, I'll just have to use my imagination! Any other suggestions? Maybe a student/teacher thing? I jest, I jest!

  17. I think there was talk about me owing you men with whips? Hopefully that'll inspire you for the next prompt...

  18. Hey, what's up? Dropping by to say that your icons are hilarious, especially the one you have here in your profile. :D

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